SESTAT Degree Inventory

Because many SESTAT respondents report earning more than one academic degree, degree information is sorted and stored in the SESTAT degree inventory. The inventory contains an entry for the field, degree level, and date of award for each degree reported as completed by the SESTAT respondent. Information on up to five degrees per respondent may be stored in the inventory.

The degree inventory includes only awarded degrees -- degrees with complete degree level and award date information.

The sources of the SESTAT degree information and the ways in which SESTAT may display the degree data are described below.

Sources for SESTAT Completed Degrees

Information on completed degrees for each respondent is stored in the SESTAT Completed Degree Inventory. Degree data is obtained from multiple sources depending upon the survey, or cohort, of the respondent. Information on degrees collected in later surveys is added to that collected from earlier surveys.


Degree information for respondents flagged as members of the SDR cohort (COHORT=2) are obtained from both administrative and survey data. Information on the individual's first U.S. doctorate plus data on any one master's and/or bachelor-level degrees is obtained from the Survey of Earned Doctorates. Information on any degrees awarded subsequent to the first U.S. doctorate are based on responses to the Survey of Doctorate Recipients questionnaires.


Respondents flagged as members of the National Survey of College Graduates cohort (CHORT=1 or 5) provided initial information on awarded degrees through the 'degree-grid' question in the 1993 or 2003 National Survey of College Graduates. The degree-grid questions were used to collect data on the respondent's most recent degree (Column 1 of the grid) and second most recent degree, if any (Column 2 of the grid). The grid also included a column enabling collection of "First B.A. Degree," if not previously reported.

Subsequent NSCG surveys collected information on degrees awarded 'since the last survey' or after the degrees reported in the most recent survey. For instance, the 1995 NSCG collected information on degrees awarded between April 1993 (the date of the 1993 NSCG) and April 1995. The 1997 NSCG collected information on degrees awarded between April 1995 and April 1997. The 1999 NSCG collected information on degrees awarded between April 1997 and April 1999. The 2006 NSCG collected information on degrees awarded between October 2003 and March 2006.


Respondents entering the SESTAT system in one of the NSRCG cohorts provided degree information through the NSRCG, NSCG, and NSRCG Panel questionnaires:

Completed Degree Inventory Series in SESTAT

SESTAT contains 8 major sets of degree variables, which describe the degree inventory. The degree inventory consists of all degrees that an individual has completed. They are identified by their SESTAT variables names. Each is described here.

J Series - First Bachelor's Degree

All the variables in this series have SESTAT variables names that begin with J_ED_BA. For all cases in SESTAT, the individual's first bachelor's degree is stored in this series. If an individual has more than one bachelor's degree, the first one awarded is reported here. If an individual has more than one bachelor's degree awarded at the same time, then field is used to determine which one to store in this series. Based on SESTAT convention, science and engineering (S&E) degrees take precedence over S&E-related degrees, and non-S&E degrees take the least precedence.

M Series - Most Recent Degree

All the variables in this series have SESTAT variable names that begin with M_ED_MR. For all cases in SESTAT, the individual's most recent degree is stored in this series. This is determined by the date of award of the degree. If an individual has more than one degree awarded at the same time, the degree at the highest level is used. Based on SESTAT convention, the degrees are sorted in the following order, from highest to lowest: doctorate, professional, master's and bachelor's.

O Series - Highest Degree

All the variables in this series have SESTAT variable names that begin with O_ED_HD. For all cases in SESTAT, the individual's highest degree is stored in this series. This is determined by the level of the degree. If an individual has more than one degree awarded at the same level, the most recent degree is stored here. If an individual has more than one degree at this level awarded at the same time, then field is also used to determine which one to store in this series. Based on SESTAT convention, the degrees are sorted in the following order, from highest to lowest: doctorate, professional, master's and bachelor's. Also, science and engineering (S&E) degrees take precedence over S&E-related degrees, and non-S&E degrees take the least precedence.

P Series - Second Highest Degree

All the variables in this series have SESTAT variable names that begin with P_ED_2ND. For all cases in SESTAT, the individual's second highest degree is stored in this series. This is determined by the level of the degree. If an individual has more than one degree awarded at the same level, the most recent degree is stored here. If an individual has more than one degree at this level awarded at the same time, then field is used to determine which one to store in this series. Based on SESTAT convention, the degrees are sorted in the following order, from highest to lowest: doctorate, professional, master's and bachelor's. Also, science and engineering (S&E) degrees take precedence over S&E-related degrees, and non-S&E degrees take the least precedence.

Q Series - Third Highest Degree

All the variables in this series have SESTAT variable names that begin with Q_ED_3RD. For all cases in SESTAT, the individual's third highest degree is stored in this series. This is determined by the level of the degree. If an individual has more than one degree awarded at the same level, the most recent degree is stored here. If an individual has more than one degree at this level awarded at the same time, then field is used to determine which one to store in this series. Based on SESTAT convention, the degrees are sorted in the following order, from highest to lowest: doctorate, professional, master's and bachelor's. Also, science and engineering (S&E) degrees take precedence over S&E-related degrees, and non-S&E degrees take the least precedence.

R Series - Fourth Highest Degree

All the variables in this series have SESTAT variable names that begin with R_ED_4TH. For all cases in SESTAT, the individual's fourth highest degree is stored in this series. This is determined by the level of the degree. If an individual has more than one degree awarded at the same level, the most recent degree is stored here. If an individual has more than one degree at this level awarded at the same time, then field is used to determine which one to store in this series. Based on SESTAT convention, the degrees are sorted in the following order, from highest to lowest: doctorate, professional, master's and bachelor's. Also, science and engineering (S&E) degrees take precedence over S&E-related degrees, and non-S&E degrees take the least precedence.

S Series - Fifth Highest Degree

All the variables in this series have SESTAT variable names that begin with S_ED_5TH. For all cases in SESTAT, the individual's fifth highest degree is stored in this series. This is determined by the level of the degree. If an individual has more than one degree awarded at the same level, the most recent degree is stored here. If an individual has more than one degree at this level awarded at the same time, then field is used to determine which one to store in this series. Based on SESTAT convention, the degrees are sorted in the following order, from highest to lowest: doctorate, professional, master's and bachelor's. Also, science and engineering (S&E) degrees take precedence over S&E-related degrees, and non-S&E degrees take the least precedence.

T Series - US BS/MS Degrees

All the variables in this series have SESTAT variable names that begin with T_ED_US_BSMS. This series of variables is only available for cases from the National Survey of Recent College Graduates (NSRCG). The purpose of this series is to describe the science, engineering or health degree awarded at a US institution that made the respondent eligible to be sampled in the NSRCG. This is the degree that is used for reporting of degree field in NSRCG-specific publications.

T Series - First US S&E PhD

All the variables in this series have SESTAT variable names that begin with T_ED_USDOC. This series of variables is only available for cases from the Survey of Doctorate Recipients (SDR). The purpose of this series is to describe the individual's first science and engineering doctorate awarded at a US institution. This is the degree that is used for reporting of degree field in SDR-specific publications.

Other Education Information Series in SESTAT

In addition to the completed degree series (J, M, O, P, Q, R, S and T), there are also other types of education data in SESTAT. They are described here:

K Series - Community College Attendance/Associate's Degree Attainment
All the variables in this series have SESTAT variable names that begin with K_ED_COM. This series of variables is only available for cases from the National Survey of College Graduates (NSCG) and the National Survey of Recent College Graduates (NSRCG). The purpose of this series is to indicate whether or not an individual attended a community college and their reasons for doing so, and whether or not they have earned an associate's or other 2-year degree.

L Series - High School
All the variables in this series have SESTAT variables names that begin with L_ED_HS. This purpose of this series is to provide some limited information on high school graduation year and place of attendance.

N Series - Other Education Information
There are multiple types of variables in this series, each associated with different surveys and used to represent other characteristics of postsecondary education. The variables are described below.