Table 4. Condition of science and engineering research space in academic institutions, by field: FY 2015

Field NASF (millions)a Condition (% NASF)
Superior Satisfactory Requires renovations Requires replacement
All research space 210.9 35 45 16 4
Agricultural sciences 27.6 26 50 19 5
Biological and biomedical sciences 54.6 40 42 14 4
Computer and information sciences 4.5 50 41 7 2
Engineering 34.1 35 45 16 4
Geosciences, atmospheric, and ocean sciences 8.1 30 47 17 6
Health sciences 38.4 40 43 14 4
Mathematics and statistics 1.8 30 54 15 2
Natural resources and conservation 3.5 29 43 19 9
Physical sciences 22.2 32 44 18 5
Psychology 5.4 34 45 18 4
Social sciences 5.9 25 55 17 3
Other 4.8 43 38 14 5