FFRDC Research and Development Survey
Fiscal Year 2016
Newer information is available.
NCSES is providing data in a new format. We welcome your comments.
NCSES is providing data in a new format. We welcome your comments.
Excel.zip (285 KB)
February 2018
Data from FY 2016 survey cycle
(finalized 06 June 2017)
National Science Foundation, National Center for Science and Engineering Statistics, FFRDC Research and Development Survey, Fiscal Year 2016. http://ncsesdata.nsf.gov/datatables/ffrdcrd/2016/.
These notes provide information necessary for a data user to appropriately interpret the data tables. This information includes the following:
- Survey coverage
- Survey design
- Data comparability
February 2018
Data from FY 2016 survey cycle
(finalized 06 June 2017)