Table 50. Postdoctoral appointees in science, engineering, and health, by citizenship, ethnicity, race, origin of doctoral degree, and field: 2015

Characteristic All science, engineering, and health Science and engineering Health
Total Science Engineering Total Clinical medicinea Other health
Total 63,861 45,295 37,639 7,656 18,566 15,850 2,716
U.S. citizens and permanent residentsb 28,726 19,593 17,072 2,521 9,133 7,830 1,303
Hispanic or Latino 1,526 1,025 917 108 501 434 67
Not Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native 85 56 48 8 29 25 4
Asian 5,114 3,305 2,755 550 1,809 1,586 223
Black or African American 1,061 641 559 82 420 347 73
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 82 32 29 3 50 47 3
White 17,239 12,079 10,682 1,397 5,160 4,377 783
More than one race 394 268 244 24 126 116 10
Unknown ethnicity and race 3,225 2,187 1,838 349 1,038 898 140
Temporary visa holders 35,135 25,702 20,567 5,135 9,433 8,020 1,413
Origin of doctoral degreec
United Statesd 23,093 16,361 13,592 2,769 6,732 5,879 853
Foreign country 18,067 12,345 10,485 1,860 5,722 5,126 596
Unknown degree origin 22,701 16,589 13,562 3,027 6,112 4,845 1,267