Table A-12. Imputation for postdoctoral appointees in science, engineering, and health fields, by mechanism of support, source of support, and sex: 2015

Mechanism of support All sources Federal Domestic Foreign Institutional Self-support Unknown Male Female
NIH Other
Imputation rate (%)
All postdoctoral appointees 2.3 8.8 6.0 7.7 9.5 4.2 8.5 9.4 9.5 8.5 8.8 5.2 6.0 13.2 4.0 3.8
Fellowships 18.7 26.0 73.9 13.8 4.5 13.8 25.6 70.8 27.4 18.1 14.0 10.9 na 42.5 19.0 18.3
Research grant 11.8 10.5 12.0 8.6 11.6 6.9 10.7 10.1 9.4 10.2 6.9 8.2 na 74.3 12.1 11.5
Traineeship 11.7 0.0 0.0 8.8 0.0 14.3 6.0 0.0 18.9 9.5 11.8 10.6 na 70.8 11.5 11.9
Other support 12.1 28.9 56.0 14.3 0.0 33.3 44.4 16.7 13.8 11.7 9.9 4.3 6.0 33.2 12.5 12.1
Number imputed
All postdoctoral appointees 1,461 204 119 1,526 81 27 349 74 269 875 186 679 52 551 1,561 971
Fellowships 1,177 25 34 184 4 8 55 17 49 257 113 157 na 245 667 508
Research grant 4,679 228 227 1,331 79 40 401 74 210 588 48 387 na 805 3,021 1,712
Traineeship 455 0 0 233 0 1 5 0 31 24 2 54 na 80 220 235
Other support 1,678 11 28 36 0 1 44 5 33 330 59 279 52 800 1,020 686