Table 26-1. U.S. residing employed doctoral scientists and engineers, by selected demographic and employment-related characteristics, primary or secondary work activity, and sector of employment: 2015

All employed
4-year educational institutiona
Other educational institutionb
Private, for-profitc
Private, nonprofit
Federal government
State or local government
Doctorate recipient 787,250 1,900 323,200 2,250 28,300 725 266,650 2,150 52,200 1,050 50,200 1,000 16,200 625 45,600 1,025 4,900 350
Male 519,400 1,700 204,550 2,025 14,200 600 199,650 2,125 30,350 900 32,900 875 9,500 550 25,000 825 3,250 325
Female 267,850 1,050 118,650 1,125 14,100 450 67,000 925 21,850 625 17,300 600 6,700 350 20,600 625 1,650 225
Hispanic or Latinof 32,400 425 14,950 375 1,550 125 9,350 350 2,250 175 1,950 150 700 100 1,150 125 500 100
Not Hispanic or Latinog
American Indian or Alaska Native 1,500 175 650 100 100 50 400 100 50 50 100 50 * * S S D D
Asian 178,300 1,350 57,950 1,175 2,250 250 92,850 1,325 9,050 500 7,300 450 3,400 350 3,900 325 1,600 250
Black or African American 27,350 400 12,350 375 2,150 175 6,550 250 1,650 150 2,300 150 1,150 150 850 125 350 100
White 537,850 1,700 233,100 1,825 21,900 675 154,700 1,675 38,400 1,000 37,750 900 10,600 500 38,950 950 2,450 250
Other raceh 9,900 375 4,100 275 350 75 2,850 225 800 125 850 100 300 75 600 125 D D
Under 35 81,800 900 36,850 625 1,750 175 30,500 675 5,500 350 4,850 300 1,250 150 650 100 400 100
35–39 108,100 1,250 46,600 975 2,450 200 40,500 900 8,200 400 6,300 350 1,600 175 1,950 225 500 100
40–44 104,300 1,450 45,000 1,000 3,300 250 36,150 925 7,250 425 6,600 425 1,850 200 3,450 300 700 125
45–49 100,750 1,450 40,250 900 3,800 300 38,550 1,100 6,500 450 6,350 400 1,750 225 3,050 300 450 100
50–54 102,050 1,275 39,100 800 3,900 325 37,300 1,000 6,300 450 7,850 475 2,350 275 4,500 350 800 150
55–59 94,700 1,400 38,700 950 4,100 300 30,850 875 5,700 400 6,900 350 2,700 275 5,250 425 500 125
60–64 93,500 1,275 38,050 975 3,950 325 27,000 950 5,800 425 6,200 400 2,300 225 9,450 525 750 175
65–75 102,050 1,325 38,700 1,000 5,050 300 25,750 825 6,900 500 5,200 375 2,400 300 17,350 700 750 150
U.S. citizen 681,900 2,075 280,100 2,075 27,200 700 217,800 2,175 46,050 1,025 48,200 975 14,750 600 44,650 1,000 3,150 300
Native-born 529,250 1,900 227,400 1,925 23,450 675 148,750 1,725 38,700 950 39,550 900 11,350 500 38,050 900 2,050 250
Naturalized 152,600 1,675 52,700 1,100 3,800 275 69,050 1,350 7,350 475 8,650 500 3,400 350 6,600 425 1,100 175
Non-U.S. citizen 105,400 1,225 43,100 950 1,050 150 48,850 1,050 6,150 350 2,000 250 1,500 175 950 175 1,750 200
Permanent resident 76,700 1,225 29,850 825 1,000 150 37,250 950 4,550 325 1,300 200 1,250 175 800 175 700 150
Temporary resident 28,700 650 13,250 475 100 50 11,600 475 1,600 175 700 150 250 75 150 50 1,050 150
Years since doctorate
≤ 5 123,300 525 57,350 750 3,650 225 40,300 650 9,450 400 7,550 400 2,500 200 1,900 200 600 100
6–10 137,650 775 60,400 900 4,400 250 48,250 875 9,600 450 8,500 350 2,400 250 3,300 300 850 150
11–15 112,050 1,025 46,900 900 4,500 325 37,300 750 7,850 450 8,000 425 2,700 250 4,200 350 650 125
16–20 111,750 775 41,750 800 4,250 275 42,500 800 6,900 450 7,800 400 2,550 275 5,250 375 750 150
21–25 94,050 875 35,150 850 3,900 325 33,900 875 5,400 350 6,400 425 2,150 275 6,550 350 600 125
> 25 208,500 1,575 81,700 1,275 7,600 425 64,400 1,325 13,050 575 11,950 625 3,950 325 24,450 800 1,450 225
Primary or secondary work activityi
Any R&D 494,300 2,400 221,400 2,000 5,400 350 175,300 1,775 32,350 850 34,450 850 7,750 450 14,450 625 3,250 275
Applied research 272,400 2,225 108,950 1,650 1,900 200 97,900 1,575 21,550 650 25,950 725 5,600 400 8,450 475 2,150 225
Basic research 175,600 1,700 130,700 1,400 2,050 250 15,250 600 11,150 500 11,800 550 1,450 175 2,450 250 800 150
Design 52,800 1,125 5,200 325 550 125 37,250 950 3,150 300 3,350 300 850 150 2,100 250 350 125
Development 117,400 1,625 12,050 550 1,250 175 86,150 1,275 5,550 350 5,350 400 1,550 200 4,550 350 1,000 175
Computer applications 67,000 1,100 11,300 525 550 125 42,100 875 3,850 275 4,800 325 1,450 225 2,450 275 450 100
Management, sales, or administrationj 310,450 2,075 95,650 1,350 8,900 475 125,850 1,900 26,900 775 24,600 750 8,900 425 17,800 650 1,900 200
Professional services 116,450 1,625 19,150 700 3,600 300 42,750 1,050 11,950 550 6,600 375 4,300 325 27,350 800 750 150
Teaching 234,000 2,050 191,800 1,900 21,400 625 7,600 425 4,200 375 2,350 225 1,400 200 5,000 425 250 100
Other work activityk 69,100 1,325 24,000 650 3,750 300 22,600 675 5,300 350 6,100 400 2,000 200 4,550 375 800 175