2017 SDR table number | Population group | Statistic | Residence | Table description |
1-1 | All | Count | United States | U.S. residing doctoral scientists and engineers by employment status |
4-1 | Unemployed | Percent | United States | Unemployment rate among U.S. residing doctoral scientists and engineers |
4-2 | Unemployed | Percent | United States | Involuntarily out-of-field rate among U.S. residing doctoral scientists and engineers |
4-3 | All | Percent | United States | Labor force participation rate among U.S. residing doctoral scientists and engineers |
4-4 | All | Percent | Non-United States | Labor force participation rate among non-U.S. residing doctoral scientists and engineers |
5 | All | Count | All | Doctoral scientists and engineers by residence location (in and out of the United States) and sex |
7 | All | Count | United States | U.S. residing doctoral scientists and engineers by disability status |
9 | Employed | Count | United States | U.S. residing employed doctoral scientists and engineers by citizenship status |
10 | Employed | Count | United States | U.S. residing employed doctoral scientists and engineers by age |
11-1 | Employed | Count | United States | U.S. residing employed doctoral scientists and engineers by years since doctorate |
12-3 | Employed | Count | United States | U.S. residing employed doctoral scientists and engineers by sector of employment |
15-1 | Employed | Count | United States | U.S. residing employed doctoral scientists and engineers by primary or secondary work activity |
15-2 | Employed | Count | United States | U.S. residing employed doctoral scientists and engineers by primary work activity |
15-3 | Employed | Count | Non-United States | Non-U.S. residing employed doctoral scientists and engineers by primary work activity |
15-4 | Employed | Count | United States | U.S. residing employed doctoral scientists and engineers by R&D or other primary work activity |