Table 9. U.S. residing employed doctoral scientists and engineers, by fine field of doctorate and citizenship status: 2017

Field of study
All employed
U.S. citizen
Non-U.S. citizen
Native born
Permanent resident
Temporary resident
All fields 815,100 1,400 699,550 1,750 539,000 2,525 160,550 2,150 115,500 1,250 79,200 1,175 36,300 850
Science 612,450 1,500 540,950 1,700 440,850 2,075 100,100 1,475 71,500 1,075 49,500 975 22,000 650
Biological, agricultural, and environmental life sciences 206,900 925 182,000 975 146,500 1,100 35,500 750 24,900 575 17,200 550 7,700 350
Agricultural and food sciences 16,350 275 14,050 300 10,100 275 3,950 250 2,300 175 1,600 150 700 100
Agricultural sciences 1,000 75 900 100 600 75 300 100 100 25 50 25 * *
Animal sciences 4,400 150 3,800 150 3,200 125 650 100 550 100 350 75 250 75
Food sciences and technology 3,550 175 2,850 175 1,350 150 1,500 150 700 100 550 100 150 50
Plant sciences 5,300 200 4,550 200 3,650 200 900 125 700 100 500 100 200 50
Soil sciences 2,150 125 1,900 125 1,300 125 600 75 250 75 150 50 50 25
Biochemistry and biophysics 28,250 425 24,150 450 18,350 425 5,750 375 4,150 275 2,750 250 1,350 175
Biochemistry 23,400 425 20,250 425 15,600 425 4,650 325 3,150 250 2,050 200 1,100 175
Biophysics 4,850 150 3,900 150 2,750 150 1,150 150 950 125 700 125 250 75
Cell, cellular biology, and molecular biology 29,850 375 26,250 425 20,850 450 5,400 325 3,550 300 2,600 300 1,000 150
Microbiological sciences and immunology 22,200 350 20,550 350 16,350 400 4,200 325 1,700 175 1,100 150 600 100
Immunology 8,150 200 7,550 200 5,850 225 1,700 200 600 125 400 100 200 75
Microbiological sciences 14,100 300 12,950 325 10,500 325 2,450 225 1,100 125 700 125 400 75
Natural resources and conservation 8,550 225 7,800 225 6,600 225 1,200 150 800 100 500 100 300 75
Fish, fisheries, wildlife and wildlands science and management 2,250 125 2,200 125 1,950 125 200 75 50 25 50 25 * *
Forestry 2,600 150 2,300 150 1,900 125 400 75 300 75 250 50 100 25
Natural resource conservation, research, management, and policy 3,700 150 3,300 150 2,700 125 600 100 400 100 250 75 200 75
Zoology 7,450 250 7,000 250 6,450 250 550 100 450 100 350 100 100 50
Other biological sciences 94,200 625 82,250 675 67,800 700 14,500 425 11,900 425 8,250 400 3,650 225
Biomathematics, bioinformatics, and computational biology 4,400 75 3,300 100 2,200 100 1,050 100 1,150 100 700 100 450 75
Botany and plant biology 6,450 200 5,850 200 4,700 200 1,150 125 600 100 400 75 250 75
Epidemiology, ecology, and population biology 14,800 275 13,800 250 12,250 250 1,550 175 950 150 650 125 300 100
Genetics 8,200 225 7,000 225 5,950 200 1,050 125 1,200 125 800 125 400 75
Neurobiology and neuroscience 14,600 225 12,650 275 10,250 275 2,400 200 1,950 225 1,300 175 650 125
Nutrition sciences 3,800 150 3,500 150 2,900 125 600 125 300 75 200 75 100 50
Pharmacology and toxicology 12,200 250 10,750 275 8,700 300 2,050 200 1,450 200 1,150 175 300 100
Physiology, pathology, and related sciences 14,200 300 12,350 300 10,350 325 2,000 175 1,900 150 1,350 150 500 75
Biological and biomedical sciences, general 10,950 250 8,950 300 7,100 275 1,850 200 2,000 200 1,400 200 600 125
Biological and biomedical sciences, other 4,600 175 4,150 175 3,400 175 750 100 450 100 350 75 100 50
Computer and information sciences 27,550 300 19,850 375 12,100 300 7,750 325 7,700 325 5,500 325 2,200 200
Computer science 24,050 300 17,200 375 10,250 300 6,950 350 6,850 325 4,850 300 1,950 200
Information science, studies 2,150 125 1,800 125 1,250 125 550 75 400 75 300 75 50 25
Computer and information sciences, other 1,350 50 900 50 600 50 300 50 450 50 350 50 150 25
Mathematics and statistics 35,200 500 28,100 550 19,200 450 8,900 525 7,100 350 4,500 325 2,600 200
Applied mathematics 7,700 250 5,500 275 3,600 250 1,900 250 2,200 225 1,150 200 1,000 150
Mathematics 16,450 275 13,950 325 10,450 300 3,500 250 2,500 225 1,700 200 800 125
Statistics 7,000 225 5,350 225 3,000 200 2,300 225 1,650 200 1,050 175 650 125
Mathematics and statistics, other 4,100 150 3,300 150 2,100 125 1,200 150 750 100 600 100 150 50
Physical sciences, geosciences, atmospheric, and ocean sciences 130,000 800 111,350 800 85,400 950 25,950 675 18,700 600 13,100 500 5,600 400
Astronomy and astrophysics 5,600 125 5,000 150 4,450 150 500 75 650 100 400 75 250 75
Chemistry, except biochemistry 63,550 525 54,500 600 41,500 750 13,050 575 9,050 425 6,350 350 2,700 275
Inorganic chemistry 8,450 200 7,500 225 6,050 225 1,450 175 950 125 700 125 250 100
Organic chemistry 17,150 375 14,800 375 11,450 375 3,350 275 2,350 250 1,600 200 750 150
Chemistry, other, except biochemistry 37,950 400 32,200 450 24,000 500 8,200 425 5,700 325 4,000 275 1,700 200
Geosciences, atmospheric, and ocean sciences 21,000 250 18,700 225 15,550 225 3,150 175 2,300 150 1,650 125 650 100
Atmospheric sciences and meteorology 3,750 75 3,150 75 2,400 75 700 75 600 75 450 75 200 50
Geological and earth sciences, geosciences 12,900 225 11,600 200 9,750 200 1,850 150 1,300 125 950 125 350 50
Ocean sciences and marine sciences 1,900 75 1,800 75 1,550 75 250 50 100 25 50 25 50 25
Oceanography, chemical and physical 2,450 125 2,200 125 1,800 125 350 75 250 50 150 50 100 50
Physics 39,850 500 33,100 550 23,900 500 9,250 375 6,750 400 4,700 325 2,000 225
Psychology 113,950 750 111,350 775 103,400 875 8,000 375 2,600 225 2,100 225 500 100
Clinical psychology 40,800 500 40,300 525 37,650 550 2,650 225 550 150 450 150 D D
Counseling and applied psychology 15,200 250 14,700 250 13,850 250 850 125 450 100 400 100 50 25
Educational and school psychology 13,650 300 13,400 300 12,350 275 1,050 125 250 100 200 100 D D
Industrial and organizational psychology 4,950 150 4,900 150 4,500 175 400 100 50 25 D D D D
Research and experimental psychology 27,500 325 26,550 350 24,450 375 2,100 175 950 100 800 100 200 50
Psychology, general 7,400 250 7,150 250 6,550 250 650 125 250 100 150 75 D D
Psychology, other 4,450 175 4,350 175 4,000 175 350 75 S S S S D D
Social sciences 98,850 775 88,300 900 74,300 750 14,000 550 10,550 450 7,100 375 3,450 300
Economics 26,600 425 21,600 475 16,100 425 5,500 325 4,950 275 2,700 225 2,250 250
Political science and government 19,950 425 18,450 425 16,350 400 2,050 225 1,500 200 1,200 175 300 100
Political science and government 16,150 400 15,100 425 13,500 425 1,600 225 1,050 175 900 150 D D
Public policy analysis 3,750 125 3,350 125 2,900 125 450 75 450 100 300 75 150 75
Sociology, demography, and population studies 15,150 325 14,450 325 12,700 325 1,750 175 650 125 500 100 150 75
Other social sciences 37,200 450 33,800 475 29,100 425 4,700 275 3,450 250 2,700 225 750 125
Anthropology 11,550 250 11,000 275 9,950 250 1,050 150 550 100 350 75 150 75
Area, ethnic, cultural, gender, and group studies 3,450 125 3,300 125 3,050 125 300 75 150 50 100 50 50 25
Geography and cartography 4,600 150 3,900 175 3,450 150 450 100 700 100 500 100 200 50
International relations and national security studies 2,000 150 1,800 150 1,400 125 450 100 200 75 150 75 S S
Linguistics 5,050 225 4,150 200 3,050 175 1,150 125 900 150 800 150 S S
Urban studies, affairs 1,500 100 1,300 100 1,050 100 250 50 150 75 100 75 50 25
Social sciences, other 9,100 200 8,250 200 7,200 225 1,050 125 850 125 700 125 150 50
Engineering 164,650 850 124,400 1,000 70,500 900 53,950 1,125 40,250 775 27,050 700 13,200 525
Aerospace, aeronautical, and astronautical engineering 6,500 175 5,500 200 3,450 200 2,050 175 1,000 150 700 125 300 100
Chemical engineering 20,250 350 15,300 400 9,500 325 5,800 325 4,900 325 2,850 275 2,100 225
Civil engineering 17,900 350 13,700 350 7,350 300 6,300 325 4,200 250 2,750 225 1,450 150
Electrical and computer engineering 45,850 475 32,700 650 15,950 475 16,750 475 13,150 525 9,050 475 4,100 275
Computer engineering 6,000 175 4,200 200 2,050 150 2,150 175 1,850 175 1,300 150 550 100
Electrical, electronics, and communications engineering 39,800 450 28,500 575 13,950 425 14,600 450 11,300 500 7,750 450 3,600 275
Mechanical engineering 23,700 375 17,650 400 9,600 425 8,050 400 6,050 350 4,100 325 1,950 225
Metallurgical and materials engineering 15,400 275 12,000 300 7,350 300 4,650 225 3,400 225 2,350 225 1,050 150
Other engineering 35,050 400 27,600 400 17,250 375 10,350 425 7,450 300 5,250 275 2,200 200
Agricultural engineering 1,550 125 1,350 125 750 75 600 75 250 50 150 50 50 25
Bioengineering and biomedical engineering 11,600 175 8,950 250 7,050 200 1,900 200 2,650 200 1,750 175 900 150
Engineering mechanics, physics, and science 4,150 175 3,350 150 1,650 125 1,700 150 800 100 550 100 250 75
Industrial and manufacturing engineering 8,700 225 6,650 250 3,650 200 3,050 225 2,050 175 1,500 175 550 100
Nuclear engineering 2,750 125 2,350 125 1,350 125 1,000 150 400 75 300 75 100 50
Engineering, other 6,300 200 4,950 200 2,800 175 2,100 200 1,400 150 1,000 125 400 100
Health 37,950 425 34,200 425 27,700 425 6,500 325 3,750 250 2,700 225 1,100 150
Communication disorders sciences and services 3,400 125 3,100 150 2,900 150 250 75 300 50 200 50 100 50
Hospital and medical administration services 1,700 125 1,500 150 1,250 125 250 75 200 75 100 50 S S
Pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, and administration 7,400 175 5,850 225 2,950 175 2,900 250 1,550 175 1,100 150 450 100
Public health 7,100 175 6,350 200 5,500 200 800 150 750 150 600 125 150 75
Registered nursing, nursing administration, nursing research 8,900 275 8,800 275 7,750 250 1,000 175 D D D D D D
Health sciences, other 9,450 200 8,600 200 7,300 200 1,250 125 850 100 600 100 300 75