Table 24. U.S. residing employed doctoral scientists and engineers, by selected demographic characteristics and broad field of doctorate: 2017

Characteristic All employed Science Engineering Health
Total Biological, agricultural and environmental life sciences Computer and information sciences Mathematics and statistics Physical sciences Psychology Social sciences
Number SE Number SE Number SE Number SE Number SE Number SE Number SE Number SE Number SE Number SE
Doctorate recipient 815,100 1,400 612,450 1,500 206,900 925 27,550 300 35,200 500 130,000 800 113,950 750 98,850 775 164,650 850 37,950 425
Male 527,850 1,425 376,700 1,425 120,800 875 22,800 350 27,200 525 100,450 800 46,800 775 58,600 775 137,200 850 14,000 350
Female 287,250 1,050 235,800 1,075 86,050 775 4,750 225 8,000 300 29,550 600 67,150 825 40,300 600 27,450 525 24,000 400
Hispanic or Latinoa 35,900 450 28,000 400 9,300 275 900 100 1,250 125 4,550 200 6,050 250 5,900 250 6,500 225 1,400 100
Not Hispanic or Latinob
American Indian or Alaska Native 1,400 125 1,150 125 300 50 50 50 D D 100 50 350 75 300 75 150 50 100 50
Asian 193,850 1,125 115,400 1,025 45,300 750 11,150 300 10,400 450 30,550 750 6,150 375 11,850 425 70,750 900 7,700 300
Black or African American 29,200 375 22,450 325 6,350 250 700 100 800 100 3,150 200 5,650 225 5,800 250 3,850 175 2,850 200
White 542,850 1,500 435,750 1,550 142,250 950 14,450 325 22,400 475 89,900 825 93,500 850 73,200 725 81,750 775 25,350 425
Other racea 11,900 425 9,750 375 3,350 225 300 75 350 75 1,700 175 2,200 225 1,850 150 1,550 175 600 125
Under 35 90,850 1,000 63,150 875 24,600 550 3,600 225 5,200 300 15,200 425 8,050 300 6,500 325 24,550 575 3,150 225
35–39 115,700 1,225 85,150 1,050 33,250 600 5,500 325 4,600 325 17,600 475 11,950 475 12,200 450 26,350 725 4,150 250
40–44 107,600 1,150 80,600 1,025 30,550 650 4,800 275 4,900 375 15,650 500 12,450 450 12,250 450 22,700 625 4,300 275
45–49 106,750 1,250 80,700 1,100 26,950 650 3,450 275 4,100 300 17,600 625 13,950 500 14,600 475 21,350 625 4,700 300
50–54 102,650 1,425 75,400 1,075 24,700 625 3,350 300 5,100 350 18,100 500 12,900 450 11,250 475 22,700 700 4,550 275
55–59 97,100 1,375 71,900 1,150 23,500 625 3,450 275 3,650 275 16,050 500 13,150 500 12,050 450 19,550 550 5,650 325
60–64 89,100 1,250 70,050 1,225 23,400 575 2,250 225 3,350 275 14,100 575 15,000 575 11,950 450 13,150 625 5,950 375
65–75 105,300 1,300 85,550 1,150 19,800 700 1,150 150 4,300 275 15,800 525 26,400 725 18,100 550 14,300 625 5,450 375
U.S. citizen 699,550 1,750 540,950 1,700 182,000 975 19,850 375 28,100 550 111,350 800 111,350 775 88,300 900 124,400 1,000 34,200 425
Native-born 539,000 2,525 440,850 2,075 146,500 1,100 12,100 300 19,200 450 85,400 950 103,400 875 74,300 750 70,500 900 27,700 425
Naturalized 160,550 2,150 100,100 1,475 35,500 750 7,750 325 8,900 525 25,950 675 8,000 375 14,000 550 53,950 1,125 6,500 325
Non-U.S. citizen 115,500 1,250 71,500 1,075 24,900 575 7,700 325 7,100 350 18,700 600 2,600 225 10,550 450 40,250 775 3,750 250
Permanent resident 79,200 1,175 49,500 975 17,200 550 5,500 325 4,500 325 13,100 500 2,100 225 7,100 375 27,050 700 2,700 225
Temporary resident 36,300 850 22,000 650 7,700 350 2,200 200 2,600 200 5,600 400 500 100 3,450 300 13,200 525 1,100 150
Years since doctorate
≤ 5 134,300 625 94,800 650 34,550 525 6,650 250 5,600 225 18,200 350 13,700 325 16,100 350 31,200 525 8,250 300
6–10 143,200 800 104,450 875 38,950 600 6,550 275 6,400 325 20,100 425 16,100 375 16,350 450 31,650 575 7,100 275
11–15 116,050 775 86,300 800 31,250 575 4,150 250 5,100 325 16,000 500 15,150 425 14,700 400 23,000 525 6,750 275
16–20 112,850 875 84,200 775 28,650 575 3,450 200 4,300 250 18,550 525 16,100 425 13,200 425 23,200 475 5,450 250
21–25 99,600 750 73,900 750 23,250 575 3,300 225 4,650 300 17,150 425 14,400 475 11,100 350 21,300 575 4,350 225
> 25 209,100 1,300 168,750 1,350 50,250 850 3,500 225 9,150 350 40,050 700 38,450 750 27,400 500 34,250 850 6,050 300
Place of birth
United States 526,450 2,550 430,900 2,125 143,900 1,075 11,950 300 18,700 450 82,650 1,050 101,650 850 72,050 725 68,350 900 27,200 450
Asia 198,850 1,900 115,000 1,475 42,850 800 11,750 325 11,050 525 31,400 800 5,300 350 12,600 425 76,650 1,050 7,200 300
Europed 42,950 975 33,150 800 8,900 425 2,250 200 3,550 250 9,100 450 3,000 225 6,350 375 8,700 475 1,050 150
North Americae 8,250 425 6,750 375 2,100 200 250 75 350 75 1,500 200 1,050 150 1,550 175 1,150 175 350 75
Central Americaf 5,250 275 3,850 200 1,350 125 200 50 250 50 750 100 500 100 850 125 1,250 150 150 50
Caribbean 4,100 275 3,200 250 900 125 200 75 50 25 550 100 1,000 150 550 100 700 125 250 75
South America 11,600 425 8,150 375 2,950 200 400 75 600 125 1,500 150 750 125 2,000 175 3,000 200 400 75
Africa 13,700 500 8,750 375 3,100 225 450 100 650 100 1,850 200 500 100 2,200 225 3,750 250 1,150 150
Oceania 1,550 200 1,200 175 300 100 D D 50 25 250 75 100 50 400 125 300 100 50 25
Unknown 2,350 325 1,500 250 500 125 S S D D 500 175 S S 350 100 750 175 150 75