Table 2. Summary of federal obligations and outlays for research, development, and R&D plant, by type of R&D, performer, and field of science and engineering: FYs 2016–18

(Dollars in millions)

Type of R&D, performer, and field 2016 2017 Preliminary
2018 % change 2017–18
Outlays for R&D and R&D plant 111,156.0 112,587.3 123,936.0 10.1
R&D 108,927.9 109,380.5 118,733.8 8.6
R&D plant 2,228.1 3,206.8 5,202.2 62.2
Obligations for R&D and R&D plant 117,665.7 121,002.5 124,762.9 3.1
R&D 115,224.7 118,366.4 121,535.3 2.7
Intramurala 32,019.6 30,802.5 33,217.7 7.8
Industry 35,660.4 37,729.9 37,442.5 -0.8
Industry-administered FFRDCs 4,119.4 4,042.8 5,077.3 25.6
Universities and colleges 28,193.3 28,888.3 28,899.3 *
University-administered FFRDCs 4,034.1 4,419.8 5,041.1 14.1
Other nonprofit institutions 6,580.7 8,054.8 7,474.0 -7.2
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 3,250.4 3,143.0 3,231.8 2.8
State and local governments 542.5 532.0 552.1 3.8
Foreign 824.3 753.5 599.6 -20.4
Research 66,873.6 69,641.8 71,262.7 2.3
Intramurala 15,931.0 15,835.9 17,445.0 10.2
Industry 8,370.3 8,917.6 8,178.9 -8.3
Industry-administered FFRDCs 3,533.6 3,526.7 4,313.0 22.3
Universities and colleges 26,857.6 27,595.1 27,655.7 0.2
University-administered FFRDCs 3,224.1 3,496.0 3,895.9 11.4
Other nonprofit institutions 6,169.2 7,544.7 6,893.2 -8.6
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 1,891.8 1,908.3 2,086.6 9.3
State and local governments 420.2 445.2 406.6 -8.7
Foreign 475.8 372.3 387.8 4.2
Field of science and engineering
Computer sciences and mathematics 4,222.8 3,894.2 4,183.5 7.4
Engineering 12,798.8 12,977.9 14,725.6 13.5
Environmental sciences 4,427.9 4,469.6 4,291.2 -4.0
Life sciences 32,045.4 34,089.6 33,458.9 -1.9
Physical sciences 6,669.8 6,581.5 6,931.3 5.3
Psychology 2,021.4 2,081.2 2,092.2 0.5
Social sciences 1,226.7 1,027.2 1,043.7 1.6
Other sciences nec 3,460.8 4,520.6 4,536.3 0.3
Basic research 32,286.6 33,265.4 33,711.9 1.3
Intramurala 6,120.5 6,116.1 6,884.3 12.6
Industry 2,446.5 2,692.3 2,130.4 -20.9
Industry-administered FFRDCs 472.0 600.3 577.4 -3.8
Universities and colleges 15,544.5 15,841.1 15,791.2 -0.3
University-administered FFRDCs 2,845.0 3,078.3 3,236.5 5.1
Other nonprofit institutions 3,179.4 3,359.1 3,441.0 2.4
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 1,393.3 1,315.2 1,388.7 5.6
State and local governments 81.4 66.3 61.7 -7.0
Foreign 203.9 196.6 200.7 2.1
Field of science and engineering
Computer sciences and mathematics 2,109.7 1,877.3 1,962.1 4.5
Engineering 3,651.6 3,679.6 3,755.6 2.1
Environmental sciences 2,765.0 2,686.8 2,528.8 -5.9
Life sciences 15,577.0 16,573.8 16,650.3 0.5
Physical sciences 4,706.9 4,717.4 5,061.8 7.3
Psychology 989.8 1,027.3 1,032.1 0.5
Social sciences 378.1 359.3 347.8 -3.2
Other sciences nec 2,108.5 2,344.2 2,373.4 1.2
Applied research 34,587.0 36,376.4 37,550.8 3.2
Intramurala 9,810.4 9,719.8 10,560.7 8.7
Industry 5,923.8 6,225.3 6,048.5 -2.8
Industry-administered FFRDCs 3,061.6 2,926.4 3,735.6 27.7
Universities and colleges 11,313.1 11,754.1 11,864.5 0.9
University-administered FFRDCs 379.1 417.7 659.5 57.9
Other nonprofit institutions 2,989.8 4,185.6 3,452.1 -17.5
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 498.5 593.0 698.0 17.7
State and local governments 338.8 378.9 345.0 -9.0
Foreign 271.9 175.6 187.1 6.5
Field of science and engineering
Computer sciences and mathematics 2,113.1 2,016.9 2,221.4 10.1
Engineering 9,147.2 9,298.3 10,970.1 18.0
Environmental sciences 1,662.9 1,782.8 1,762.4 -1.1
Life sciences 16,468.4 17,515.8 16,808.6 -4.0
Physical sciences 1,962.9 1,864.1 1,869.4 0.3
Psychology 1,031.6 1,053.9 1,060.1 0.6
Social sciences 848.6 667.9 696.0 4.2
Other sciences nec 1,352.3 2,176.5 2,162.9 -0.6
Development 48,351.1 48,724.6 50,272.6 3.2
Intramurala 16,088.7 14,966.6 15,772.7 5.4
Industry 27,290.0 28,812.2 29,263.6 1.6
Industry-administered FFRDCs 585.8 516.2 764.2 48.1
Universities and colleges 1,335.7 1,293.1 1,243.6 -3.8
University-administered FFRDCs 810.0 923.8 1,145.1 24.0
Other nonprofit institutions 411.5 510.1 580.8 13.9
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 1,358.5 1,234.7 1,145.2 -7.3
State and local governments 122.4 86.7 145.4 67.7
Foreign 348.5 381.2 211.8 -44.4
R&D plant 2,441.0 2,636.0 3,227.6 22.4
Intramurala 646.2 829.5 1,007.4 21.4
Industry 344.9 318.1 420.4 32.2
Industry-administered FFRDCs 71.3 82.4 111.3 35.2
Universities and colleges 284.1 350.0 318.5 -9.0
University-administered FFRDCs 591.2 585.7 733.9 25.3
Other nonprofit institutions 289.8 157.8 138.6 -12.2
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 202.4 287.7 486.7 69.2
State and local governments 0.6 0.0 0.0 -
Foreign 10.5 25.0 10.8 -56.7