Table 6. Preliminary federal obligations for research and development, by agency and type of R&D: FY 2018

(Dollars in thousands)

Agency Total R&D Basic research Applied research Development
Total Advanced technology Major systems
All agencies 121,535,313.4 33,711,911.6 37,550,832.4 50,272,569.4 NA NA
Department of Agriculture 2,537,659.1 1,006,775.7 1,335,078.4 195,805.0 NA NA
Agricultural Marketing Service 7,210.0 0.0 3,605.0 3,605.0 NA NA
Agricultural Research Service 1,159,000.0 579,500.0 463,600.0 115,900.0 NA NA
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 39,542.0 18,856.0 0.0 20,686.0 NA NA
Economic Research Service 86,757.0 0.0 86,757.0 0.0 NA NA
Foreign Agricultural Service 240.0 38.4 201.7 0.0 NA NA
Forest Service 324,000.0 89,089.0 183,265.3 51,645.8 NA NA
National Agricultural Statistics Service 9,455.6 0.0 5,487.3 3,968.3 NA NA
National Institute of Food and Agriculture 908,704.5 319,292.4 589,412.1 0.0 NA NA
Rural Business-Cooperative Service 2,750.0 0.0 2,750.0 0.0 NA NA
Department of Commerce 1,570,862.0 248,021.5 1,002,366.4 320,474.2 NA NA
National Institute of Standards and Technology 682,446.1 248,021.5 419,372.3 15,052.4 NA NA
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 654,085.0 0.0 514,010.0 140,075.0 NA NA
National Telecommunications and Information Administration 8,384.0 0.0 8,384.0 0.0 NA NA
U.S. Census Bureau 225,946.9 0.0 60,600.1 165,346.8 NA NA
Department of Defense 49,671,041.6 2,261,211.3 5,429,443.6 41,980,386.8 6,432,109.7 35,548,277.1
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 3,238,807.0 491,420.0 1,397,459.0 1,349,928.0 1,245,147.0 104,781.0
Department of the Air Force 9,447,658.6 507,581.3 1,286,569.4 7,653,507.9 799,048.7 6,854,459.3
Department of the Army 8,911,743.9 465,090.8 1,327,813.5 7,118,839.6 1,449,803.3 5,669,036.3
Department of the Navy 15,255,052.8 547,347.3 932,629.1 13,775,076.4 829,369.6 12,945,706.7
Other defense agencies 12,817,779.4 249,771.9 484,972.6 12,083,034.9 2,108,741.1 9,974,293.8
Department of Education 275,520.4 54,170.7 137,413.4 83,936.2 NA NA
Department of Energy 13,787,451.7 4,930,308.8 6,450,979.6 2,406,163.4 NA NA
Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy 353,314.0 0.0 176,657.0 176,657.0 NA NA
Bonneville Power Administration 10,720.6 4,311.0 2,923.4 3,486.2 NA NA
Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability 157,527.0 13,100.0 87,425.0 57,002.0 NA NA
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy 1,819,355.0 0.0 1,359,137.0 460,218.0 NA NA
Environmental Management 16,387.8 0.0 5,408.0 10,979.8 NA NA
Fossil Energy 305.6 15.3 290.3 0.0 NA NA
National Nuclear Security Administration 5,726,363.8 84,566.5 4,143,532.9 1,498,264.3 NA NA
Defense Programs 4,104,326.0 0.0 4,022,426.0 81,900.0 NA NA
Naval Nuclear Propulsion Program 1,359,300.0 0.0 0.0 1,359,300.0 NA NA
Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation 262,737.8 84,566.5 121,106.9 57,064.3 NA NA
Nuclear Energy 875,162.0 0.0 675,606.0 199,556.0 NA NA
Office of Science 4,828,316.0 4,828,316.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA
Department of Health and Human Services 33,523,398.0 16,733,488.7 16,720,405.4 69,503.9 NA NA
Administration for Children and Families 3,905.0 0.0 3,905.0 0.0 NA NA
Administration for Community Living 83,275.7 0.0 66,213.4 17,062.3 NA NA
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality 300,145.0 0.0 300,145.0 0.0 NA NA
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 1,999.3 0.0 1,999.3 0.0 NA NA
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 479,200.7 71,278.8 372,032.4 35,889.5 NA NA
Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services 19,944.7 0.0 19,944.7 0.0 NA NA
Food and Drug Administration 453,465.4 0.0 453,465.4 0.0 NA NA
Health Resources and Services Administration 46,462.3 2,209.8 27,700.3 16,552.2 NA NA
National Institutes of Health 32,120,000.0 16,660,000.0 15,460,000.0 0.0 NA NA
Office of the Secretary of Health and Human Services 15,000.0 0.0 15,000.0 0.0 NA NA
Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation 15,000.0 0.0 15,000.0 0.0 NA NA
Department of Homeland Security 860,693.0 5,640.2 258,914.4 596,138.4 NA NA
Domestic Nuclear Detection Office 64,917.0 5,640.2 18,181.4 41,095.4 NA NA
Science and Technology Directorate 760,000.0 0.0 230,000.0 530,000.0 NA NA
U.S. Coast Guard 35,776.0 0.0 10,733.0 25,043.0 NA NA
Department of Housing and Urban Development 73,978.8 0.0 47,515.8 26,463.1 NA NA
Department of the Interior 853,594.9 53,968.0 661,917.4 137,709.5 NA NA
Bureau of Land Management 17,988.0 0.0 17,000.0 988.0 NA NA
Bureau of Ocean Energy Management 78,270.9 0.0 65,575.1 12,695.8 NA NA
Bureau of Reclamation 12,818.0 0.0 11,065.0 1,753.0 NA NA
Bureau of Safety and Environmental Enforcement 18,850.2 0.0 15,408.1 3,442.2 NA NA
National Park Service 9,931.1 0.0 9,090.6 840.5 NA NA
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service 32,828.7 0.0 32,828.7 0.0 NA NA
U.S. Geological Survey 682,908.0 53,968.0 510,950.0 117,990.0 NA NA
Department of Justice 85,526.6 2,000.0 62,492.5 21,034.1 NA NA
Bureau of Prisons 5,808.0 0.0 1,361.0 4,447.0 NA NA
Federal Bureau of Investigation 4,223.4 0.0 0.0 4,223.4 NA NA
Office of Justice Programs 75,495.2 2,000.0 61,131.5 12,363.7 NA NA
Department of Labor 5,047.7 0.0 5,047.7 0.0 NA NA
Employee Benefits Security Administration 3,064.7 0.0 3,064.7 0.0 NA NA
Occupational Safety and Health Administration 1,983.0 0.0 1,983.0 0.0 NA NA
Department of State 2,100.0 0.0 2,100.0 0.0 NA NA
Department of Transportation 1,076,091.9 0.0 711,667.3 364,424.7 NA NA
Federal Aviation Administration 497,602.7 0.0 252,405.7 245,197.0 NA NA
Federal Highway Administration 334,405.7 0.0 282,722.8 51,682.9 NA NA
Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration 11,866.0 0.0 11,566.0 300.0 NA NA
Federal Railroad Administration 44,643.0 0.0 34,375.1 10,267.9 NA NA
Federal Transit Administration 31,000.0 0.0 31,000.0 0.0 NA NA
National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 75,983.0 0.0 75,983.0 0.0 NA NA
Office of the Secretary of Transportation 26,082.0 0.0 3,215.0 22,867.0 NA NA
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 54,509.6 0.0 20,399.6 34,109.9 NA NA
Department of the Treasury 9,117.8 0.0 848.6 8,269.1 NA NA
Bureau of Engraving and Printing 8,269.1 0.0 0.0 8,269.1 NA NA
U.S. Mint 848.6 0.0 848.6 0.0 NA NA
Department of Veterans Affairs 737,921.0 213,511.9 506,849.5 17,559.6 NA NA
Other agencies
Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 6,758.7 0.0 6,758.7 0.0 NA NA
Agency for International Development 192,234.1 765.0 191,469.1 0.0 NA NA
Appalachian Regional Commission 392.8 0.0 392.8 0.0 NA NA
Consumer Product Safety Commission 1,000.0 0.0 1,000.0 0.0 NA NA
Environmental Protection Agency 493,273.0 0.0 417,895.3 75,377.7 NA NA
Federal Communications Commission 6,065.9 27.8 5,649.0 389.0 NA NA
Federal Trade Commission 6,669.0 0.0 6,669.0 0.0 NA NA
Library of Congress 2,629.1 0.0 908.2 1,721.0 NA NA
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 10,198,400.0 3,712,500.0 2,521,900.0 3,964,000.0 NA NA
National Archives and Records Administration 511.0 0.0 511.0 0.0 NA NA
National Science Foundation 4,950,290.0 4,279,500.0 670,790.0 0.0 NA NA
Nuclear Regulatory Commission 61,725.0 980.0 60,745.0 0.0 NA NA
Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund 120,154.4 0.0 120,154.4 0.0 NA NA
Smithsonian Institution 209,042.0 209,042.0 0.0 0.0 NA NA
Social Security Administration 136,599.0 0.0 136,599.0 0.0 NA NA
Tennessee Valley Authority 6,065.0 0.0 2,851.0 3,214.0 NA NA
U.S. Postal Service 73,500.0 0.0 73,500.0 0.0 NA NA