Table 32. Federal obligations for basic research in computer sciences and mathematics, by agency and detailed field: FY 2017

(Dollars in thousands)

Agency Total Computer sciences Mathematics Other computer sciences and mathematics
All agencies 1,877,259.3 998,694.9 823,948.5 54,615.9
Department of Agriculture 822.2 810.2 12.0 0.0
Agricultural Research Service 760.7 760.7 0.0 0.0
Forest Service 61.5 49.5 12.0 0.0
Department of Commerce 24,372.5 15,352.5 0.0 9,020.0
National Institute of Standards and Technology 24,372.5 15,352.5 0.0 9,020.0
Department of Defense 341,286.5 224,061.7 84,646.5 32,578.4
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 145,180.6 128,815.6 11,473.5 4,891.6
Department of the Air Force 62,181.9 22,528.9 20,358.7 19,294.3
Department of the Army 48,009.8 32,144.5 8,876.3 6,989.0
Department of the Navy 37,991.7 8,378.8 29,612.9 0.0
Other defense agencies 47,922.5 32,194.0 14,325.0 1,403.5
Department of Energy 493,707.8 53,101.7 434,545.1 6,061.0
Bonneville Power Administration 321.2 321.2 0.0 0.0
National Nuclear Security Administration 6,081.0 175.0 0.0 5,906.0
Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation 6,081.0 175.0 0.0 5,906.0
Office of Science 487,305.6 52,605.4 434,545.1 155.0
Department of Health and Human Services 73,554.0 0.0 73,554.0 0.0
National Institutes of Health 73,554.0 0.0 73,554.0 0.0
Other agencies
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 33,988.7 25,304.8 1,727.4 6,956.5
National Science Foundation 909,527.6 680,064.1 229,463.5 0.0