Table 48. Federal obligations for applied research in physical sciences, by agency and detailed field: FY 2017

(Dollars in thousands)

Agency Total Astronomy Chemistry Physics Other physical sciences
All agencies 1,864,136.8 152,941.6 274,776.2 1,078,707.8 357,711.2
Department of Agriculture 41,263.8 0.0 40,140.2 1,123.6 0.0
Agricultural Research Service 30,055.1 0.0 28,931.6 1,123.6 0.0
Forest Service 3,252.3 0.0 3,252.3 0.0 0.0
National Institute of Food and Agriculture 7,956.4 0.0 7,956.4 0.0 0.0
Department of Commerce 73,758.2 131.8 26,871.7 44,901.1 1,853.5
National Institute of Standards and Technology 49,404.1 131.8 24,998.3 22,420.4 1,853.5
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 24,354.1 0.0 1,873.4 22,480.7 0.0
Department of Defense 450,083.1 0.0 113,001.0 223,390.9 113,691.3
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 60,257.9 0.0 0.0 60,257.9 0.0
Department of the Air Force 114,598.7 0.0 1,485.8 68,630.2 44,482.7
Department of the Army 59,882.0 0.0 1,305.0 45,813.0 12,764.0
Department of the Navy 46,589.7 0.0 5,388.7 27,611.0 13,590.0
Other defense agencies 168,754.9 0.0 104,821.5 21,078.8 42,854.5
Department of Energy 892,033.4 0.0 21,721.9 748,982.0 121,329.5
Advanced Research Projects Agency—Energy 8,777.0 0.0 5,219.8 3,557.3 0.0
National Nuclear Security Administration 863,267.5 0.0 7,803.7 734,134.3 121,329.5
Defense Programs 765,346.5 0.0 0.0 691,365.4 73,981.1
Office of Defense Nuclear Nonproliferation 97,920.9 0.0 7,803.7 42,768.9 47,348.4
Office of Science 19,988.9 0.0 8,698.4 11,290.5 0.0
Department of Health and Human Services 51,441.4 0.0 50,291.2 0.0 1,150.2
National Institutes of Health 51,441.4 0.0 50,291.2 0.0 1,150.2
Department of Homeland Security 4,971.0 0.0 475.4 0.0 4,495.6
Science and Technology Directorate 4,971.0 0.0 475.4 0.0 4,495.6
Department of the Interior 95,127.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 95,127.1
National Park Service 227.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 227.1
U.S. Geological Survey 94,900.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 94,900.0
Department of Justice 690.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 690.2
Office of Justice Programs 690.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 690.2
Department of Transportation 4,936.6 0.0 2,936.6 0.0 2,000.0
Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration 4,936.6 0.0 2,936.6 0.0 2,000.0
Other agencies
Consumer Product Safety Commission 376.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 376.8
Environmental Protection Agency 9,968.0 0.0 8,789.8 0.0 1,178.2
Federal Communications Commission 750.0 0.0 0.0 750.0 0.0
Library of Congress 917.2 0.0 917.2 0.0 0.0
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 225,775.0 152,319.8 7,693.9 55,352.3 10,409.1
National Science Foundation 12,044.9 490.0 1,937.2 4,207.9 5,409.8