Table 72. Federal obligations for basic research performed at universities and colleges in life sciences, by selected agency and detailed field: FY 2017

(Dollars in thousands)

Agency Total Agricultural sciences Biological sciences (excluding environmental biology) Environmental biology Medical sciences Other life sciences
All agencies surveyed 8,966,110.4 153,510.4 4,924,081.3 183,340.7 2,834,901.4 870,276.6
Department of Agriculture 250,081.2 146,190.1 54,539.7 46,868.1 2,353.3 130.0
Agricultural Research Service 43,753.0 33,989.9 3,048.0 5,938.8 776.3 0.0
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service 10,299.5 10,299.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Foreign Agricultural Service 38.4 38.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Forest Service 3,503.8 393.6 1,346.9 1,633.3 0.0 130.0
National Institute of Food and Agriculture 192,486.6 101,468.8 50,144.8 39,296.0 1,577.0 0.0
Department of Defense 115,145.6 7,154.1 61,470.1 1,696.0 36,515.7 8,309.7
Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency 38,163.4 0.0 23,881.4 0.0 14,282.0 0.0
Department of the Air Force 22,496.2 5,776.8 8,868.7 743.1 32.1 7,075.4
Department of the Army 28,346.4 0.0 8,119.6 0.0 20,226.8 0.0
Department of the Navy 10,576.8 0.0 8,442.3 0.0 1,974.8 159.8
Other defense agencies 15,562.8 1,377.3 12,158.2 952.9 0.0 1,074.4
Department of Energy 106,407.9 0.0 106,407.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
Office of Science 106,407.9 0.0 106,407.9 0.0 0.0 0.0
Department of Health and Human Services 7,868,693.7 0.0 4,218,957.9 0.0 2,792,357.5 857,378.3
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention 4,223.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,223.8 0.0
National Institutes of Health 7,864,469.9 0.0 4,218,957.9 0.0 2,788,133.7 857,378.3
Other agencies
National Aeronautics and Space Administration 27,006.8 166.2 17,364.6 1,342.4 3,675.0 4,458.6
National Science Foundation 598,775.2 0.0 465,341.1 133,434.1 0.0 0.0