Table 2. Summary of federal obligations and outlays for research, development, and R&D plant, by type of R&D, performer, and field of science and engineering: FYs 2017–19

(Dollars in millions)

Type of R&D, performer, and field 2017 2018 Preliminary
2019 % change 2018–19
Outlays for R&D and R&D plant 113,222.7 120,916.2 132,860.6 9.9
R&D 110,000.2 117,072.2 127,852.8 9.2
R&D plant 3,222.6 3,844.0 5,007.8 30.3
Obligations for R&D and R&D plant 121,626.6 133,277.5 146,076.7 9.6
R&D 118,974.8 129,424.8 141,500.9 9.3
Intramurala 30,990.2 35,953.4 39,565.0 10.0
Industry 37,875.4 39,753.7 43,577.8 9.6
Industry-administered FFRDCs 4,075.8 4,062.4 5,457.6 34.3
Universities and colleges 28,963.2 31,534.1 33,359.2 5.8
University-administered FFRDCs 4,445.3 4,895.8 6,130.6 25.2
Other nonprofit institutions 8,140.6 8,450.8 8,880.1 5.1
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 3,173.0 3,497.3 3,283.4 -6.1
State and local governments 553.4 561.9 435.4 -22.5
Foreign 757.9 715.4 811.7 13.5
Research 69,871.3 74,587.6 83,442.8 11.9
Intramurala 15,904.7 17,817.5 20,458.4 14.8
Industry 8,963.2 8,768.1 10,979.1 25.2
Industry-administered FFRDCs 3,559.6 3,453.6 4,356.9 26.2
Universities and colleges 27,626.1 30,088.6 31,925.9 6.1
University-administered FFRDCs 3,501.1 3,704.6 4,673.1 26.1
Other nonprofit institutions 7,576.2 7,614.5 8,024.9 5.4
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 1,915.0 2,299.8 2,223.3 -3.3
State and local governments 453.1 430.2 358.3 -16.7
Foreign 372.3 410.7 442.9 7.9
Field of science and engineering
Computer sciences and mathematics 3,894.2 4,206.9 4,545.7 8.1
Engineering 13,207.4 13,758.6 17,131.7 24.5
Environmental sciences 4,469.6 4,567.6 6,014.1 31.7
Life sciences 34,089.6 36,994.4 38,985.2 5.4
Physical sciences 6,581.5 7,881.4 9,063.9 15.0
Psychology 2,081.2 2,326.9 2,485.1 6.8
Social sciences 1,027.2 1,039.4 1,169.6 12.5
Other sciences nec 4,520.6 3,812.4 4,047.5 6.2
Basic research 33,271.5 36,195.1 39,684.6 9.6
Intramurala 6,116.1 6,688.7 7,563.2 13.1
Industry 2,692.3 2,786.8 3,387.1 21.5
Industry-administered FFRDCs 600.3 584.4 578.7 -1.0
Universities and colleges 15,847.1 17,503.5 18,480.0 5.6
University-administered FFRDCs 3,078.3 3,283.4 4,077.6 24.2
Other nonprofit institutions 3,359.1 3,657.8 3,851.5 5.3
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 1,315.2 1,401.0 1,446.7 3.3
State and local governments 66.3 87.0 87.9 1.0
Foreign 196.6 202.5 211.9 4.6
Field of science and engineering
Computer sciences and mathematics 1,877.3 2,084.6 2,212.8 6.1
Engineering 3,685.6 3,585.7 3,586.4 *
Environmental sciences 2,686.8 2,996.4 4,146.7 38.4
Life sciences 16,573.8 18,176.1 19,190.3 5.6
Physical sciences 4,717.4 5,930.8 6,954.6 17.3
Psychology 1,027.3 1,147.3 1,213.9 5.8
Social sciences 359.3 374.1 435.9 16.5
Other sciences nec 2,344.2 1,900.0 1,944.1 2.3
Applied research 36,599.8 38,392.4 43,758.2 14.0
Intramurala 9,788.6 11,128.8 12,895.2 15.9
Industry 6,270.9 5,981.3 7,592.0 26.9
Industry-administered FFRDCs 2,959.3 2,869.2 3,778.1 31.7
Universities and colleges 11,779.0 12,585.1 13,445.9 6.8
University-administered FFRDCs 422.8 421.2 595.5 41.4
Other nonprofit institutions 4,217.0 3,956.7 4,173.4 5.5
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 599.8 898.8 776.6 -13.6
State and local governments 386.8 343.2 270.4 -21.2
Foreign 175.6 208.1 231.0 11.0
Field of science and engineering
Computer sciences and mathematics 2,016.9 2,122.3 2,332.9 9.9
Engineering 9,521.8 10,172.8 13,545.3 33.2
Environmental sciences 1,782.8 1,571.1 1,867.4 18.9
Life sciences 17,515.8 18,818.3 19,795.0 5.2
Physical sciences 1,864.1 1,950.7 2,109.3 8.1
Psychology 1,053.9 1,179.6 1,271.2 7.8
Social sciences 667.9 665.3 733.7 10.3
Other sciences nec 2,176.5 1,912.4 2,103.4 10.0
Development 49,103.5 54,837.2 58,058.1 5.9
Intramurala 15,085.5 18,135.9 19,106.7 5.4
Industry 28,912.2 30,985.5 32,598.7 5.2
Industry-administered FFRDCs 516.2 608.8 1,100.8 80.8
Universities and colleges 1,337.1 1,445.5 1,433.3 -0.8
University-administered FFRDCs 944.1 1,191.2 1,457.5 22.4
Other nonprofit institutions 564.4 836.3 855.2 2.3
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 1,258.0 1,197.6 1,060.1 -11.5
State and local governments 100.3 131.7 77.1 -41.4
Foreign 385.6 304.7 368.8 21.0
R&D plant 2,651.8 3,852.7 4,575.8 18.8
Intramurala 829.5 1,252.1 1,785.6 42.6
Industry 333.8 310.9 190.6 -38.7
Industry-administered FFRDCs 82.4 214.2 290.0 35.4
Universities and colleges 350.0 410.4 420.1 2.4
University-administered FFRDCs 585.7 761.5 826.8 8.6
Other nonprofit institutions 157.8 180.2 190.3 5.6
Nonprofit-administered FFRDCs 287.7 709.4 868.7 22.4
State and local governments 0.0 0.0 0.0 -
Foreign 25.0 14.1 3.8 -73.0