Table 50. Postdoctoral appointees in science, engineering, and health in all institutions, by citizenship, ethnicity, race, origin of doctoral degree, and field: 2016

Characteristic All science, engineering, and health Science and engineering Health
Total Science Engineering Total Clinical medicinea Other health
Total 64,712 45,737 37,941 7,796 18,975 16,165 2,810
U.S. citizens and permanent residentsb 29,810 20,205 17,615 2,590 9,605 8,186 1,419
Hispanic or Latino 1,601 1,041 930 111 560 483 77
Not Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native 151 94 89 5 57 45 12
Asian 5,785 3,697 3,056 641 2,088 1,832 256
Black or African American 1,041 601 541 60 440 361 79
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 122 73 61 12 49 37 12
White 17,480 12,127 10,726 1,401 5,353 4,567 786
More than one race 710 512 447 65 198 132 66
Unknown ethnicity and race 2,920 2,060 1,765 295 860 729 131
Temporary visa holders 34,902 25,532 20,326 5,206 9,370 7,979 1,391
Origin of doctoral degreec
United Statesd 23,899 17,027 14,126 2,901 6,872 5,974 898
Foreign country 19,598 13,289 11,213 2,076 6,309 5,666 643
Unknown degree origin 21,215 15,421 12,602 2,819 5,794 4,525 1,269