Table A-1. Changes in the organizational unit listing: 2009–16

Activity 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014olda 2014newa 2015 2016b
Units at start of data collection 13,166 13,285 13,711 13,785 13,952 14,019 14,019 14,845 15,202
Units added 743 1,039 959 726 620 782 1,275 774 1,611
Units deleted 624 613 885 559 553 432 449 417 960
Units at end of data collection 13,285 13,711 13,785 13,952 14,019 14,369 14,845 15,202 15,853
Net difference 119 426 74 167 67 350 826 357 651