Table A-16. Crosswalk between 2010 Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) codes and Survey of Graduate Students and Postdoctorates in Science and Engineering (GSS) codes

CIP code CIP program title GSS code GSS field name
01.0000 Agriculture, general 501 Agricultural sciences
01.0103 Agricultural economics 901 Agricultural economics
01.0308 Agroecology and sustainable agriculture 501 Agricultural sciences
01.0603 Ornamental horticulture 501 Agricultural sciences
01.0701 International agriculture 501 Agricultural sciences
01.0901 Animal sciences, general 501 Agricultural sciences
01.0902 Agricultural animal breeding 501 Agricultural sciences
01.0903 Animal health 501 Agricultural sciences
01.0904 Animal nutrition 501 Agricultural sciences
01.0905 Dairy science 501 Agricultural sciences
01.0906 Livestock management 501 Agricultural sciences
01.0907 Poultry science 501 Agricultural sciences
01.0999 Animal sciences, other 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1001 Food science 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1002 Food technology and processing 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1099 Food science and technology, other 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1101 Plant sciences, general 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1102 Agronomy and crop science 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1103 Horticultural science 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1104 Agricultural and horticultural plant breeding 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1105 Plant protection and integrated pest management 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1106 Range science and management 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1199 Plant sciences, other 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1201 Soil science and agronomy, general 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1202 Soil chemistry and physics 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1203 Soil microbiology 501 Agricultural sciences
01.1299 Soil sciences, other 501 Agricultural sciences
01.9999 Agriculture, agriculture operations and related sciences, other 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0101 Natural resources/conservation, general 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0103 Environmental studies (GSS code 304 also permitted) 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0104 Environmental science (GSS codes 304 and 617 also permitted) 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0199 Natural resources conservation and research, other 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0201 Natural resources management and policy 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0204 Natural resource economics 901 Agricultural economics
03.0205 Water, wetlands, and marine resources management 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0206 Land use planning and management/development 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0299 Natural resources management and policy, other 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0301 Fishing and fisheries sciences and management 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0501 Forestry, general 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0502 Forest sciences and biology 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0506 Forest management/forest resources management 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0508 Urban forestry 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0509 Wood science and wood products/pulp and paper technology 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0510 Forest resources production and management 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0599 Forestry, other 501 Agricultural sciences
03.0601 Wildlife, fish and wildlands science and management 501 Agricultural sciences
03.9999 Natural resources and conservation, other 501 Agricultural sciences
04.0201 Architecture (exclude MLA, MArch, DArch, and DED) 940 Architecture (exclude MLA, MArch, DArch, and DED)
05.0101 African studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0102 American/United States studies/civilization 910 Social sciences nec
05.0103 Asian studies/civilization 910 Social sciences nec
05.0104 East Asian studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0105 Russian, Central European, East European, and Eurasian studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0106 European studies/civilization 910 Social sciences nec
05.0107 Latin American studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0108 Near and Middle Eastern studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0109 Pacific Area/Pacific Rim studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0110 Russian studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0111 Scandinavian studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0112 South Asian studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0113 Southeast Asian studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0114 Western European studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0115 Canadian studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0116 Balkans studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0117 Baltic studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0118 Slavic studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0119 Caribbean studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0120 Ural-Altaic and Central Asian studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0121 Commonwealth studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0122 Regional studies (U.S., Canadian, foreign) 910 Social sciences nec
05.0123 Chinese studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0124 French studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0125 German studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0126 Italian studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0127 Japanese studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0128 Korean studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0129 Polish studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0130 Spanish and Iberian studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0131 Tibetan studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0132 Ukraine studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0133 Irish studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0134 Latin American and Caribbean studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0199 Area studies, other 910 Social sciences nec
05.0200 Ethnic studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0201 African-American/black studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0202 American Indian/Native American studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0203 Hispanic-American, Puerto Rican, Mexican American studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0206 Asian-American studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0207 Women's studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0208 Gay/lesbian studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0209 Folklore studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0210 Disability studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0211 Deaf studies 910 Social sciences nec
05.0299 Ethnic, cultural minority, and gender studies, other 910 Social sciences nec
09.0100 Communication, general 930 Communication
09.0101 Speech communication and rhetoric 930 Communication
09.0102 Mass communication/media studies 930 Communication
09.0199 Communication and media studies, other 930 Communication
09.0702 Digital communication and media/multimedia 930 Communication
09.0901 Organizational communication, general 930 Communication
09.0904 Political communication 930 Communication
09.0905 Health communication 930 Communication
11.0101 Computer and information sciences, general (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.0102 Artificial intelligence (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.0103 Information technology (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.0104 Informatics (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.0199 Computer and information sciences, other (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.0401 Information science/studies (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.0501 Computer systems analysis/analyst (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.0701 Computer science (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.0802 Data modeling/warehousing and database administration (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.0803 Computer graphics (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.0804 Modeling, virtual environments and simulation (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.0901 Computer systems networking and telecommunications (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.1003 Computer and information systems security/information assurance (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
11.9999 Computer and information sciences and support services, other (exclude DCS) 401 Computer science (exclude DCS)
14.0101 Engineering, general 114 Engineering nec
14.0201 Aerospace, aeronautical, and astronautical/space engineering 101 Aerospace engineering
14.0301 Agricultural engineering 102 Agricultural engineering
14.0401 Architectural engineering 105 Civil engineering
14.0501 Bioengineering and biomedical engineering 103 Biomedical engineering
14.0601 Ceramic sciences and engineering 110 Metallurgical and materials engineering
14.0701 Chemical engineering 104 Chemical engineering
14.0702 Chemical and biomolecular engineering 104 Chemical engineering
14.0799 Chemical engineering, other 104 Chemical engineering
14.0801 Civil engineering 105 Civil engineering
14.0802 Geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering 105 Civil engineering
14.0803 Structural engineering 105 Civil engineering
14.0804 Transportation and highway engineering 105 Civil engineering
14.0805 Water resources engineering 105 Civil engineering
14.0899 Civil engineering, other 105 Civil engineering
14.0901 Computer engineering 106 Electrical engineering
14.0902 Computer hardware engineering 106 Electrical engineering
14.0903 Computer software engineering 106 Electrical engineering
14.0999 Computer engineering, other 106 Electrical engineering
14.1001 Electrical and electronics engineering 106 Electrical engineering
14.1003 Laser and optical engineering 106 Electrical engineering
14.1004 Telecommunications engineering 106 Electrical engineering
14.1099 Electrical, electronics and communications engineering, other 106 Electrical engineering
14.1101 Engineering mechanics 107 Engineering science, mechanics and physics
14.1201 Engineering physics/applied physics 107 Engineering science, mechanics and physics
14.1301 Engineering science 107 Engineering science, mechanics and physics
14.1401 Environmental/environmental health engineering 105 Civil engineering
14.1801 Materials engineering 110 Metallurgical and materials engineering
14.1901 Mechanical engineering 109 Mechanical engineering
14.2001 Metallurgical engineering 110 Metallurgical and materials engineering
14.2101 Mining and mineral engineering 111 Mining engineering
14.2201 Naval architecture and marine engineering 114 Engineering nec
14.2301 Nuclear engineering 112 Nuclear engineering
14.2401 Ocean engineering 114 Engineering nec
14.2501 Petroleum engineering 113 Petroleum engineering
14.2701 Systems engineering 108 Industrial and manufacturing engineering
14.2801 Textile sciences and engineering 110 Metallurgical and materials engineering
14.3201 Polymer/plastics engineering 110 Metallurgical and materials engineering
14.3301 Construction engineering 114 Engineering nec
14.3401 Forest engineering 114 Engineering nec
14.3501 Industrial engineering 108 Industrial and manufacturing engineering
14.3601 Manufacturing engineering 108 Industrial and manufacturing engineering
14.3701 Operations research 108 Industrial and manufacturing engineering
14.3801 Surveying engineering 105 Civil engineering
14.3901 Geological/geophysical engineering 111 Mining engineering
14.4001 Paper science and engineering 110 Metallurgical and materials engineering
14.4101 Electromechanical engineering 109 Mechanical engineering
14.4201 Mechatronics, robotics, and automation engineering 109 Mechanical engineering
14.4301 Biochemical engineering 104 Chemical engineering
14.4401 Engineering chemistry 104 Chemical engineering
14.4501 Biological/biosystems engineering 115 Biological and biosystems engineering
14.9999 Engineering, other 114 Engineering nec
15.0401 Biomedical technology/technician (exclude master's) 103 Biomedical engineering
15.1502 Engineering design 114 Engineering nec
15.1601 Nanotechnology 116 Nanotechnology
16.0102 Linguistics 906 Linguistics
16.0105 Applied linguistics 906 Linguistics
16.1602 Linguistics of ASL, and other sign languages 906 Linguistics
19.0101 Family and consumer sciences/human sciences, general 920 Family and consumer sciences, and human sciences
19.0201 Business family and consumer sciences/human sciences 920 Family and consumer sciences, and human sciences
19.0402 Consumer economics 920 Family and consumer sciences, and human sciences
19.0501 Foods, nutrition, and wellness studies, general 612 Nutrition
19.0504 Human nutrition 612 Nutrition
19.0601 Housing and human environments, general 920 Family and consumer sciences, and human sciences
19.0701 Human development and family studies, general 920 Family and consumer sciences, and human sciences
19.0702 Adult development and aging 920 Family and consumer sciences, and human sciences
19.0704 Family systems 920 Family and consumer sciences, and human sciences
19.0706 Child development 920 Family and consumer sciences, and human sciences
19.0904 Textile science 920 Family and consumer sciences, and human sciences
26.0101 Biology/biological sciences, general 603 Biology
26.0102 Biomedical sciences, general 617 Biosciences nec
26.0202 Biochemistry 602 Biochemistry
26.0203 Biophysics 605 Biophysics
26.0204 Molecular biology 607 Cell and molecular biology
26.0205 Molecular biochemistry 607 Cell and molecular biology
26.0206 Molecular biophysics 607 Cell and molecular biology
26.0207 Structural biology 607 Cell and molecular biology
26.0208 Photobiology 607 Cell and molecular biology
26.0209 Radiation biology/radiobiology 715 Radiology
26.0210 Biochemistry and molecular biology (GSS code 607 also permitted) 602 Biochemistry
26.0299 Biochemistry, biophysics and molecular biology, other (GSS codes 605 and 607 also permitted) 602 Biochemistry
26.0301 Botany/plant biology 606 Botany and plant biology
26.0305 Plant pathology/phytopathology 606 Botany and plant biology
26.0307 Plant physiology 606 Botany and plant biology
26.0308 Plant molecular biology 606 Botany and plant biology
26.0399 Botany/plant biology, other 606 Botany and plant biology
26.0401 Cell/cellular biology and histology 607 Cell and molecular biology
26.0403 Anatomy 601 Anatomy
26.0404 Developmental biology and embryology 607 Cell and molecular biology
26.0406 Cell/cellular and molecular biology 607 Cell and molecular biology
26.0407 Cell biology and anatomy (GSS code 601 also permitted) 607 Cell and molecular biology
26.0499 Cell/cellular biology and anatomical sciences, other (GSS code 601 also permitted) 607 Cell and molecular biology
26.0502 Microbiology, general 611 Microbiology, immunology, and virology
26.0503 Medical microbiology and bacteriology 611 Microbiology, immunology, and virology
26.0504 Virology 611 Microbiology, immunology, and virology
26.0505 Parasitology 609 Entomology and parasitology
26.0506 Mycology 611 Microbiology, immunology, and virology
26.0507 Immunology 611 Microbiology, immunology, and virology
26.0508 Microbiology and immunology 611 Microbiology, immunology, and virology
26.0599 Microbiological sciences and immunology, other 611 Microbiology, immunology, and virology
26.0701 Zoology/animal biology 616 Zoology
26.0702 Entomology 609 Entomology and parasitology
26.0707 Animal physiology 616 Zoology
26.0708 Animal behavior and ethology 616 Zoology
26.0709 Wildlife biology 616 Zoology
26.0799 Zoology/animal biology, other 616 Zoology
26.0801 Genetics 610 Genetics
26.0802 Molecular genetics 610 Genetics
26.0803 Microbial and eukaryotic genetics 610 Genetics
26.0804 Animal genetics 610 Genetics
26.0805 Plant genetics 610 Genetics
26.0806 Human/medical genetics 610 Genetics
26.0807 Genome sciences/genomics 610 Genetics
26.0899 Genetics, other 610 Genetics
26.0901 Physiology, general 615 Physiology
26.0902 Molecular physiology 615 Physiology
26.0903 Cell physiology 615 Physiology
26.0904 Endocrinology 704 Endocrinology
26.0905 Reproductive biology 615 Physiology
26.0906 Neurobiology and neurophysiology 615 Physiology
26.0907 Cardiovascular science 702 Cardiovascular science
26.0908 Exercise physiology 615 Physiology
26.0909 Vision science/physiological optics 615 Physiology
26.0910 Pathology/experimental pathology 613 Pathology
26.0911 Oncology and cancer biology 615 Physiology
26.0912 Aerospace physiology and medicine 615 Physiology
26.0999 Physiology, pathology, and related sciences, other (GSS code 613 also permitted) 615 Physiology
26.1001 Pharmacology 614 Pharmacology and toxicology
26.1002 Molecular pharmacology 614 Pharmacology and toxicology
26.1003 Neuropharmacology 614 Pharmacology and toxicology
26.1004 Toxicology 614 Pharmacology and toxicology
26.1005 Molecular toxicology 614 Pharmacology and toxicology
26.1006 Environmental toxicology 614 Pharmacology and toxicology
26.1007 Pharmacology and toxicology 614 Pharmacology and toxicology
26.1099 Pharmacology and toxicology, other 614 Pharmacology and toxicology
26.1101 Biometry/biometrics 604 Biometry and epidemiology
26.1102 Biostatistics 604 Biometry and epidemiology
26.1103 Bioinformatics 604 Biometry and epidemiology
26.1104 Computational biology 604 Biometry and epidemiology
26.1199 Biomathematics, bioinformatics, and computational biology, other 604 Biometry and epidemiology
26.1201 Biotechnology 617 Biosciences nec
26.1301 Ecology 608 Ecology
26.1302 Marine biology and biological oceanography 303 Ocean sciences
26.1303 Evolutionary biology 617 Biosciences nec
26.1304 Aquatic biology/limnology 617 Biosciences nec
26.1305 Environmental biology 617 Biosciences nec
26.1306 Population biology 617 Biosciences nec
26.1307 Conservation biology 617 Biosciences nec
26.1308 Systematic biology/biological systematics 617 Biosciences nec
26.1309 Epidemiology 604 Biometry and epidemiology
26.1310 Ecology and evolutionary biology 617 Biosciences nec
26.1399 Ecology, evolution, systematics and population biology, other 617 Biosciences nec
26.1401 Molecular medicine 717 Clinical medicine nec (exclude DN, DO, DPM, MD, and OD)
26.1501 Neuroscience 950 Neurobiology and neuroscience
26.1502 Neuroanatomy (GSS code 601 also permitted) 950 Neurobiology and neuroscience
26.1503 Neurobiology and anatomy (GSS codes 601 and 603 also permitted) 950 Neurobiology and neuroscience
26.1504 Neurobiology and behavior 950 Neurobiology and neuroscience
26.1599 Neurobiology and neurosciences, other 950 Neurobiology and neuroscience
26.9999 Biological and biomedical sciences, other 617 Biosciences nec
27.0101 Mathematics 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0102 Algebra and number theory 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0103 Analysis and functional analysis 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0104 Geometry/geometric analysis 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0105 Topology and foundations 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0199 Mathematics, other 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0301 Applied mathematics, general 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0303 Computational mathematics 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0304 Computational and applied mathematics 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0305 Financial mathematics 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0306 Mathematical biology 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0399 Applied mathematics, other 402 Mathematics and applied mathematics
27.0501 Statistics 403 Statistics
27.0502 Mathematical statistics and probability 403 Statistics
27.0503 Mathematics and statistics 403 Statistics
27.0599 Statistics, other 403 Statistics
27.9999 Mathematics and statistics, other 403 Statistics
30.0101 Biological and physical sciences 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.0501 Peace studies and conflict resolution 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.0601 Systems science and theory 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.0801 Mathematics and computer science (combined program) 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.1001 Biopsychology 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.1101 Gerontology 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.1501 Science, technology and society 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.1601 Accounting and computer science (combined program) 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.1701 Behavioral sciences 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.1801 Natural sciences 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.1901 Nutrition science 612 Nutrition
30.2001 International/global studies 910 Social sciences nec
30.2101 Holocaust and related studies 910 Social sciences nec
30.2301 Intercultural/multicultural and diversity studies 910 Social sciences nec
30.2501 Cognitive science 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.2701 Human biology 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.3001 Computational science 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.3101 Human computer interaction 980 Multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary studies
30.3201 Marine sciences 303 Ocean sciences
31.0505 Kinesiology and exercise science 722 Health-related nec
40.0101 Physical sciences 204 Physical sciences nec
40.0201 Astronomy 201 Astronomy and astrophysics
40.0202 Astrophysics 201 Astronomy and astrophysics
40.0203 Planetary astronomy and science 201 Astronomy and astrophysics
40.0299 Astronomy and astrophysics, other 201 Astronomy and astrophysics
40.0401 Atmospheric sciences and meteorology 301 Atmospheric sciences
40.0402 Atmospheric chemistry and climatology 301 Atmospheric sciences
40.0403 Atmospheric physics and dynamics 301 Atmospheric sciences
40.0404 Meteorology 301 Atmospheric sciences
40.0499 Atmospheric sciences and meteorology, other 301 Atmospheric sciences
40.0501 Chemistry 202 Chemistry (see also 602)
40.0502 Analytical chemistry 202 Chemistry
40.0503 Inorganic chemistry 202 Chemistry
40.0504 Organic chemistry 202 Chemistry
40.0506 Physical chemistry 202 Chemistry
40.0507 Polymer chemistry 202 Chemistry
40.0508 Chemical physics 202 Chemistry
40.0509 Environmental chemistry 202 Chemistry
40.051 Forensic chemistry 202 Chemistry
40.0511 Theoretical chemistry 202 Chemistry
40.0599 Chemistry, other 202 Chemistry
40.0601 Geology/earth science, general 302 Geosciences
40.0602 Geochemistry 302 Geosciences
40.0603 Geophysics and seismology 302 Geosciences
40.0604 Paleontology 302 Geosciences
40.0605 Hydrology and water resources science 302 Geosciences
40.0606 Geochemistry and petrology 302 Geosciences
40.0607 Oceanography, chemical and physical 303 Ocean sciences
40.0699 Geological and earth sciences/geosciences, other 302 Geosciences
40.0801 Physics 203 Physics (see also 605)
40.0802 Atomic/molecular physics 203 Physics
40.0804 Elementary particle physics 203 Physics
40.0805 Plasma and high-temperature physics 203 Physics
40.0806 Nuclear physics 203 Physics
40.0807 Optics/optical sciences 203 Physics
40.0808 Condensed matter and materials physics 203 Physics
40.0809 Acoustics 203 Physics
40.0810 Theoretical and mathematical physics 203 Physics
40.0899 Physics, other 203 Physics
40.1001 Materials science 205 Materials sciences
40.1002 Materials chemistry 205 Materials sciences
40.1099 Materials sciences, other 205 Materials sciences
40.9999 Physical sciences, other 204 Physical sciences nec
42.0101 Psychology, general 801 Psychology, general
42.2701 Cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2702 Comparative psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2703 Developmental and child psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2704 Experimental psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2705 Personality psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2706 Physiological psychology/psychobiology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2707 Social psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2708 Psychometrics and quantitative psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2709 Environmental psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2799 Research and experimental psychology, other 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2801 Clinical psychology (exclude PsyD) 803 Clinical psychology (exclude PsyD)
42.2802 Community psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2803 Counseling psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2804 Industrial and organizational psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2805 School psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2806 Educational psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2807 Clinical child psychology (exclude PsyD) 803 Clinical psychology (exclude PsyD)
42.2808 Geropsychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2809 Health/medical psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2810 Psychopharmacology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2811 Family psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2812 Forensic psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2813 Applied psychology 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2814 Applied behavior analysis 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.2899 Clinical, counseling and applied psychology, other 802 Psychology, except clinical
42.9999 Psychology, other 802 Psychology, except clinical
43.0104 Criminal justice/safety studies 911 Criminal justice - safety studies
44.0401 Public administration 913 Public administration
44.0501 Public policy analysis, general 914 Public policy analysis
44.0503 Health policy analysis 914 Public policy analysis
44.0504 International policy analysis 914 Public policy analysis
44.0599 Public policy analysis, other 914 Public policy analysis
45.0101 Social sciences, general 910 Social sciences nec
45.0102 Research methodology and quantitative methods 910 Social sciences nec
45.0201 Anthropology 902 Anthropology
45.0202 Physical and biological anthropology 902 Anthropology
45.0203 Medical anthropology 902 Anthropology
45.0204 Cultural anthropology 902 Anthropology
45.0299 Anthropology, other 902 Anthropology
45.0301 Archeology 902 Anthropology
45.0401 Criminology 910 Social sciences nec
45.0501 Demography and population studies 908 Sociology
45.0601 Economics 903 Economics
45.0602 Applied economics 903 Economics
45.0603 Econometrics and quantitative economics 903 Economics
45.0604 Development economics and international development 903 Economics
45.0605 International economics 903 Economics
45.0699 Economics, other 903 Economics
45.0701 Geography 904 Geography
45.0702 Geographic information science and cartography 904 Geography
45.0799 Geography, other 904 Geography
45.0901 International relations and affairs 912 International relations
45.0902 National security policy studies 912 International relations
45.0999 International relations and national security studies, other 912 International relations
45.1001 Political science and government, general 907 Political science and government
45.1002 American government and politics 907 Political science and government
45.1003 Canadian government and politics 907 Political science and government
45.1004 Political economy 907 Political science and government
45.1099 Political science and government, other 907 Political science and government
45.1101 Sociology 908 Sociology
45.1201 Urban affairs/studies 910 Social sciences nec
45.1301 Sociology and anthropology 909 Sociology and anthropology (combined program)
45.1401 Rural sociology 908 Sociology
45.9999 Social sciences, other 910 Social sciences nec
51.0000 Health services/allied health/health sciences, general 712 Preventive medicine and community health
51.0201 Communication sciences and disorders, general 723 Communication disorders sciences
51.0202 Audiology/audiologist (exclude AuD) 723 Communication disorders sciences
51.0203 Speech-language pathology/pathologist 723 Communication disorders sciences
51.0204 Audiology/audiologist and speech language pathology/pathologist 723 Communication disorders sciences
51.0299 Communication disorders sciences and services, other 723 Communication disorders sciences
51.0501 Dental clinical sciences, general 718 Dental sciences
51.0503 Oral biology and oral and maxillofacial pathology 718 Dental sciences
51.0504 Dental public health and education 718 Dental sciences
51.0505 Dental materials 718 Dental sciences
51.0506 Endodontics/endodontology 718 Dental sciences
51.0507 Oral/maxillofacial surgery 718 Dental sciences
51.0508 Orthodontics/orthodontology 718 Dental sciences
51.0509 Pediatric dentistry/pedodontics 718 Dental sciences
51.0510 Periodontics/periodontology 718 Dental sciences
51.0511 Prosthodontics/prosthodontology 718 Dental sciences
51.0599 Advanced/graduate dentistry and oral sciences, other (exclude DDS) 718 Dental sciences
51.0916 Radiation protection/health physics technician 715 Radiology
51.1099 Clinical/medical laboratory science and allied professions, other (exclude master's) 717 Clinical medicine nec (exclude DN, DO, DPM, MD, and OD)
51.1401 Medical scientist (exclude MD) 717 Clinical medicine nec (exclude DN, DO, DPM, MD, and OD)
51.2002 Pharmacy administration/policy/regulatory affairs (exclude master's and PharmD) 720 Pharmaceutical sciences (exclude PharmD)
51.2003 Pharmaceutics and drug design (exclude PharmD) 720 Pharmaceutical sciences (exclude PharmD)
51.2004 Medicinal and pharmaceutical chemistry (exclude PharmD) 720 Pharmaceutical sciences (exclude PharmD)
51.2005 Natural products chemistry and pharmacognosy (exclude PharmD) 720 Pharmaceutical sciences (exclude PharmD)
51.2006 Clinical and industrial drug development (exclude PharmD) 720 Pharmaceutical sciences (exclude PharmD)
51.2007 Pharmacoeconomics/pharmaceutical economics (exclude PharmD) 720 Pharmaceutical sciences (exclude PharmD)
51.2009 Industrial and physical pharmacy and cosmetic sciences (exclude PharmD) 720 Pharmaceutical sciences (exclude PharmD)
51.2010 Pharmaceutical sciences (exclude PharmD) 720 Pharmaceutical sciences (exclude PharmD)
51.2099 Pharmacy, pharmaceutical sciences, and administration, other (exclude master's and PharmD) 720 Pharmaceutical sciences (exclude PharmD)
51.2201 Public health, general 712 Preventive medicine and community health
51.2202 Environmental health 712 Preventive medicine and community health
51.2205 Health/medical physics 712 Preventive medicine and community health
51.2206 Occupational health and industrial hygiene 712 Preventive medicine and community health
51.2207 Public health education and promotion 712 Preventive medicine and community health
51.2208 Community health and preventive medicine 712 Preventive medicine and community health
51.2209 Maternal and child health 712 Preventive medicine and community health
51.2210 International public health/international health 712 Preventive medicine and community health
51.2306 Occupational therapy/therapist (exclude master's and OTD) 722 Health-related nec
51.2308 Physical therapy/therapist (exclude master's, DPT, and DScPT) 722 Health-related nec
51.2314 Rehabilitation science 722 Health-related nec
51.2501 Veterinary biomedicine and clinical sciences (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2502 Veterinary anatomy (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2503 Veterinary physiology (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2504 Veterinary microbiology and immunobiology (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2505 Veterinary pathology and pathobiology (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2506 Veterinary toxicology and pharmacology (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2507 Large animal/food animal and equine surgery/medicine (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2508 Small/companion animal surgery and medicine (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2509 Comparative and laboratory animal medicine (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2510 Veterinary preventive medicine epidemiology/public health (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2511 Veterinary infectious diseases (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2599 Veterinary biomedical and clinical sciences, other (exclude DVM) 721 Veterinary sciences (exclude DVM)
51.2706 Medical informatics 604 Biometry and epidemiology
51.3201 Bioethics/medical ethics 617 Biosciences nec
51.3801 Registered nursing/registered nurse (exclude master's, ND, and DNP) 719 Nursing (exclude master's, ND, and DNP)
51.3802 Nursing administration (exclude master's, ND, and DNP) 719 Nursing (exclude master's, ND, and DNP)
51.3804 Nurse anesthetist (exclude master's, ND, and DNP) 701 Anesthesiology (exclude master's and DNP)
51.3808 Nursing science (include research master's and PhD only) 719 Nursing science (include research master's and PhD only)
51.3899 Registered nursing, nursing administration, nursing research and clinical nursing, other (exclude master's, ND, and DNP) 719 Nursing (exclude master's, ND, and DNP)
51.9999 Health professions and related clinical sciences, other (exclude master's) 722 Health-related nec
52.0601 Business/managerial economics 903 Economics
52.1003 Organizational behavior studies 910 Social sciences nec
54.0104 History and philosophy of science/technology (combined program) 905 History and philosophy of science (combined program)