Table 4-10a. Mathematics and statistics master's and doctoral student demographics, enrollment status, and funding: 2017

Characteristic All graduate students Master's students Doctoral students
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Institutions 338 48.1 326 46.4 193 27.5
Schools 348 42.8 335 41.2 198 24.3
Units 607 3.2 526 2.8 309 1.6
All graduate students 29,669 100.0 16,568 100.0 13,101 100.0
Male 18,674 62.9 9,377 56.6 9,297 71.0
Female 10,995 37.1 7,191 43.4 3,804 29.0
U.S. citizens and permanent residentsa 14,540 49.0 7,925 47.8 6,615 50.5
Hispanic or Latino 1,291 4.4 815 4.9 476 3.6
Not Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native 38 0.1 26 0.2 12 0.1
Asian 1,891 6.4 1,200 7.2 691 5.3
Black or African American 645 2.2 417 2.5 228 1.7
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 9 * 6 * 3 *
White 9,277 31.3 4,711 28.4 4,566 34.9
More than one race 436 1.5 203 1.2 233 1.8
Unknown ethnicity and race 953 3.2 547 3.3 406 3.1
Temporary visa holders 15,129 51.0 8,643 52.2 6,486 49.5
Part time 6,215 20.9 5,017 30.3 1,198 9.1
Full time 23,454 79.1 11,551 69.7 11,903 90.9
First time 8,212 27.7 5,699 34.4 2,513 19.2
Primary source of support for full-time studentsb
Federal 1,396 4.7 173 1.0 1,223 9.3
DOD 171 0.6 45 0.3 126 1.0
DOE 42 0.1 3 * 39 0.3
HHS 178 0.6 16 0.1 162 1.2
NIH 169 0.6 14 0.1 155 1.2
Other HHS 9 * 2 * 7 0.1
NASA 17 0.1 2 * 15 0.1
NSF 776 2.6 53 0.3 723 5.5
USDA 8 * 1 * 7 0.1
Other 204 0.7 53 0.3 151 1.2
Nonfederal 13,425 45.2 3,587 21.7 9,838 75.1
Institutional 12,728 42.9 3,362 20.3 9,366 71.5
Domestic 456 1.5 117 0.7 339 2.6
Foreign 241 0.8 108 0.7 133 1.0
Self-support 8,633 29.1 7,791 47.0 842 6.4
Primary mechanism of support for full-time studentsb
Fellowships 1,606 5.4 158 1.0 1,448 11.1
Research assistantships 1,963 6.6 405 2.4 1,558 11.9
Teaching assistantships 9,379 31.6 2,013 12.1 7,366 56.2
Traineeships 209 0.7 43 0.3 166 1.3
Other types of support 10,297 34.7 8,932 53.9 1,365 10.4
Self-support 8,633 29.1 7,791 47.0 842 6.4
Other 1,664 5.6 1,141 6.9 523 4.0