Table 2-3. Demographic characteristics of master's and doctoral students in science, engineering and health, by enrollment intensity: 2018

Sex, citizenship, ethnicity, and race Full time Part time
All full time First time, full time
Total Master's Doctoral All first time, full time Master's Doctoral All part time Master's Doctoral
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
All individuals 491,449 100.0 248,552 100.0 242,897 100.0 159,724 100.0 114,214 100.0 45,510 100.0 176,858 100.0 142,659 100.0 34,199 100.0
Male 262,714 53.5 123,457 49.7 139,257 57.3 82,086 51.4 56,852 49.8 25,234 55.4 96,619 54.6 77,857 54.6 18,762 54.9
Female 228,735 46.5 125,095 50.3 103,640 42.7 77,638 48.6 57,362 50.2 20,276 44.6 80,239 45.4 64,802 45.4 15,437 45.1
U.S. citizens and permanent residentsa 291,691 59.4 149,533 60.2 142,158 58.5 94,830 59.4 67,821 59.4 27,009 59.3 146,890 83.1 121,757 85.3 25,133 73.5
Hispanic or Latino 33,020 6.7 19,011 7.6 14,009 5.8 11,539 7.2 8,618 7.5 2,921 6.4 16,064 9.1 13,912 9.8 2,152 6.3
Not Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native 1,265 0.3 685 0.3 580 0.2 391 0.2 291 0.3 100 0.2 667 0.4 534 0.4 133 0.4
Asian 30,671 6.2 15,882 6.4 14,789 6.1 10,920 6.8 7,966 7.0 2,954 6.5 14,636 8.3 12,675 8.9 1,961 5.7
Black or African American 21,160 4.3 13,294 5.3 7,866 3.2 7,382 4.6 5,789 5.1 1,593 3.5 14,783 8.4 12,584 8.8 2,199 6.4
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 458 0.1 269 0.1 189 0.1 177 0.1 138 0.1 39 0.1 272 0.2 228 0.2 44 0.1
White 179,942 36.6 86,699 34.9 93,243 38.4 56,128 35.1 38,837 34.0 17,291 38.0 85,793 48.5 69,311 48.6 16,482 48.2
More than one race 10,502 2.1 5,455 2.2 5,047 2.1 3,542 2.2 2,480 2.2 1,062 2.3 4,362 2.5 3,665 2.6 697 2.0
Unknown ethnicity and race 14,673 3.0 8,238 3.3 6,435 2.6 4,751 3.0 3,702 3.2 1,049 2.3 10,313 5.8 8,848 6.2 1,465 4.3
Temporary visa holders 199,758 40.6 99,019 39.8 100,739 41.5 64,894 40.6 46,393 40.6 18,501 40.7 29,968 16.9 20,902 14.7 9,066 26.5
U.S. citizens and permanent residentsa 135,901 27.7 62,052 25.0 73,849 30.4 42,038 26.3 28,480 24.9 13,558 29.8 77,252 43.7 64,500 45.2 12,752 37.3
Hispanic or Latino 14,351 2.9 7,447 3.0 6,904 2.8 4,797 3.0 3,371 3.0 1,426 3.1 7,790 4.4 6,795 4.8 995 2.9
Not Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native 499 0.1 254 0.1 245 0.1 150 0.1 107 0.1 43 0.1 284 0.2 226 0.2 58 0.2
Asian 15,279 3.1 7,567 3.0 7,712 3.2 5,352 3.4 3,834 3.4 1,518 3.3 8,507 4.8 7,472 5.2 1,035 3.0
Black or African American 7,737 1.6 4,607 1.9 3,130 1.3 2,658 1.7 2,022 1.8 636 1.4 6,542 3.7 5,650 4.0 892 2.6
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 192 * 114 * 78 * 76 * 62 0.1 14 * 127 0.1 106 0.1 21 0.1
White 86,383 17.6 36,553 14.7 49,830 20.5 25,417 15.9 16,555 14.5 8,862 19.5 46,821 26.5 38,161 26.7 8,660 25.3
More than one race 4,670 1.0 2,249 0.9 2,421 1.0 1,516 0.9 1,015 0.9 501 1.1 2,222 1.3 1,883 1.3 339 1.0
Unknown ethnicity and race 6,790 1.4 3,261 1.3 3,529 1.5 2,072 1.3 1,514 1.3 558 1.2 4,959 2.8 4,207 2.9 752 2.2
Temporary visa holders 126,813 25.8 61,405 24.7 65,408 26.9 40,048 25.1 28,372 24.8 11,676 25.7 19,367 11.0 13,357 9.4 6,010 17.6
U.S. citizens and permanent residentsa 155,790 31.7 87,481 35.2 68,309 28.1 52,792 33.1 39,341 34.4 13,451 29.6 69,638 39.4 57,257 40.1 12,381 36.2
Hispanic or Latino 18,669 3.8 11,564 4.7 7,105 2.9 6,742 4.2 5,247 4.6 1,495 3.3 8,274 4.7 7,117 5.0 1,157 3.4
Not Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native 766 0.2 431 0.2 335 0.1 241 0.2 184 0.2 57 0.1 383 0.2 308 0.2 75 0.2
Asian 15,392 3.1 8,315 3.3 7,077 2.9 5,568 3.5 4,132 3.6 1,436 3.2 6,129 3.5 5,203 3.6 926 2.7
Black or African American 13,423 2.7 8,687 3.5 4,736 1.9 4,724 3.0 3,767 3.3 957 2.1 8,241 4.7 6,934 4.9 1,307 3.8
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 266 0.1 155 0.1 111 * 101 0.1 76 0.1 25 0.1 145 0.1 122 0.1 23 0.1
White 93,559 19.0 50,146 20.2 43,413 17.9 30,711 19.2 22,282 19.5 8,429 18.5 38,972 22.0 31,150 21.8 7,822 22.9
More than one race 5,832 1.2 3,206 1.3 2,626 1.1 2,026 1.3 1,465 1.3 561 1.2 2,140 1.2 1,782 1.2 358 1.0
Unknown ethnicity and race 7,883 1.6 4,977 2.0 2,906 1.2 2,679 1.7 2,188 1.9 491 1.1 5,354 3.0 4,641 3.3 713 2.1
Temporary visa holders 72,945 14.8 37,614 15.1 35,331 14.5 24,846 15.6 18,021 15.8 6,825 15.0 10,601 6.0 7,545 5.3 3,056 8.9