Table 4-10b. Mathematics and statistics postdoctoral appointee and doctorate-holding nonfaculty researcher demographics and funding: 2018

Characteristic Postdoctoral appointees Doctorate-holding nonfaculty researchers
Number Percent Number Percent
Institutions 122 17.1 52 7.3
Schools 122 14.9 53 6.5
Units 171 0.9 69 0.4
All individuals 982 100.0 266 100.0
Male 753 76.7 199 74.8
Female 229 23.3 67 25.2
U.S. citizens and permanent residentsa 455 46.3 na na
Hispanic or Latino 22 2.2 na na
Not Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native 0 0.0 na na
Asian 61 6.2 na na
Black or African American 11 1.1 na na
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 0 0.0 na na
White 309 31.5 na na
More than one race 10 1.0 na na
Unknown ethnicity and race 42 4.3 na na
Temporary visa holders 527 53.7 na na
Primary source of support
Federal 307 31.3 na na
Nonfederalb 593 60.4 na na
Personal resources 3 0.3 na na
Unknown or not stated 79 8.0 na na
Primary mechanism of support
Fellowships 136 13.8 na na
Research grants 405 41.2 na na
Traineeships 68 6.9 na na
Other types of support 373 38.0 na na
Degree typec
Doctoral degree 857 87.3 255 95.9
Professional degree 2 0.2 5 1.9
Dual degree 2 0.2 0 0.0
Unknown 121 12.3 6 2.3
Degree origin
United States 392 39.9 na na
Foreign country 219 22.3 na na
Unknown 371 37.8 na na