Table 4-7b. Biological and biomedical sciences postdoctoral appointee and doctorate-holding nonfaculty researcher demographics and funding: 2018

Characteristic Postdoctoral appointees Doctorate-holding nonfaculty researchers
Number Percent Number Percent
Institutions 281 39.3 205 28.7
Schools 343 42.0 241 29.5
Units 1,733 8.8 1,163 5.9
All individuals 21,533 100.0 8,250 100.0
Male 11,997 55.7 4,422 53.6
Female 9,536 44.3 3,828 46.4
U.S. citizens and permanent residentsa 9,768 45.4 na na
Hispanic or Latino 612 2.8 na na
Not Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native 19 0.1 na na
Asian 1,979 9.2 na na
Black or African American 297 1.4 na na
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander 16 0.1 na na
White 5,834 27.1 na na
More than one race 172 0.8 na na
Unknown ethnicity and race 839 3.9 na na
Temporary visa holders 11,765 54.6 na na
Primary source of support
Federal 11,862 55.1 na na
Nonfederalb 7,612 35.4 na na
Personal resources 141 0.7 na na
Unknown or not stated 1,918 8.9 na na
Primary mechanism of support
Fellowships 2,147 10.0 na na
Research grants 13,717 63.7 na na
Traineeships 1,160 5.4 na na
Other types of support 4,509 20.9 na na
Degree typec
Doctoral degree 17,133 79.6 6,188 75.0
Professional degree 604 2.8 486 5.9
Dual degree 285 1.3 127 1.5
Unknown 3,511 16.3 1,449 17.6
Degree origin
United States 7,419 34.5 na na
Foreign country 7,307 33.9 na na
Unknown 6,807 31.6 na na