Table A-17. Imputed amounts for higher education R&D expenditures, by type of cost: FY 2016

(Dollars in millions)

Type of cost All R&D expenditures Imputed amount Imputed amount as % of total
All costs 71,833 69 0.1
Direct costs 55,299 2,338 4.2
Salaries, wages, and fringe benefits 31,477 442 1.4
Software purchases 114 3 2.2
Noncapitalized 95 2 2.4
Capitalized 19 0 1.0
Capitalized equipment 2,171 9 0.4
Passed through to subrecipients 5,734 40 0.7
Other direct costs 15,804 566 3.6
Indirect costs 16,534 225 1.4