Table 15. Externally funded higher education R&D expenditures, by highest degree granted, institutional control, and type of agreement: FYs 2014–18

(Dollars in thousands)

Fiscal year and type of institution All externally funded R&D expenditures Type of agreement
Contracts Grants, reimbursements, and all other agreements
All institutions 51,464,026 11,603,760 39,860,266
Doctorate 50,882,059 11,512,169 39,369,890
Nondoctorate 581,967 91,591 490,376
Public 33,067,468 7,698,045 25,369,423
Private 18,396,558 3,905,715 14,490,843
All institutions 51,958,793 12,081,843 39,876,950
Doctorate 51,453,512 12,015,896 39,437,616
Nondoctorate 505,281 65,947 439,334
Public 33,292,859 7,963,758 25,329,101
Private 18,665,934 4,118,085 14,547,849
All institutions 53,830,223 12,223,816 41,606,407
Doctorate 52,991,819 12,053,951 40,937,868
Nondoctorate 838,404 169,865 668,539
Public 34,417,837 7,925,817 26,492,020
Private 19,412,386 4,297,999 15,114,387
All institutions 56,213,599 12,900,155 43,313,444
Doctorate 55,684,355 12,843,561 42,840,794
Nondoctorate 529,244 56,594 472,650
Public 35,883,930 8,362,102 27,521,828
Private 20,329,669 4,538,053 15,791,616
All institutions 58,890,441 13,550,998 45,339,443
Doctorate 58,390,780 13,491,745 44,899,035
Nondoctorate 499,661 59,253 440,408
Public 37,649,738 8,937,713 28,712,025
Private 21,240,703 4,613,285 16,627,418